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2024 Surfer SEO Review: Is It the Ultimate On-Page Optimization Tool?

It’s a well-known fact that having an on-page SEO strategy is key for any website that’s wanting to rank higher in search engines.

What if there was a tool that could help you with your SEO efforts? A tool that could make on-page optimization easy to implement and help you outrank your competition?

Surfer SEO Review - Will it Steal the Crown for the Best On-Page SEO Tool?

In this Surfer SEO review, I’ll show you why Surfer SEO & Surfer AI is the best and most versatile SEO content optimization and AI writing tool on the market.

Is this AI tool right for you? Keep reading to find out.

Let’s get started!

Some of the links below are Affiliate Links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase, at No Additional Cost to You. Read my Disclosure for more information.

Table of Contents


What is Surfer SEO?

Surfer SEO is the most cutting-edge, on-page SEO content optimization tool that makes it easy to optimize your existing content structure, which will help skyrocket your site pages to the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Surfer SEO provides you with recommendations on how to optimize your content so that it ranks higher on Google for your target keyword phrase.

The suggestions are based on an in-depth keyword SEO analysis of the top-ranking competitor pages in the search results.

Using the same technology that you’ll find in AI writers, the Surfer SEO tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to give you page optimization suggestions, which Surfer claims are based on 500+ ranking factors.

According to customer feedback, Surfer SEO is one of the market’s top tools for on-page SEO insights, which will help you optimize your content.

The Surfer SEO’s features that are the bedrock of optimization tools are the Surfer content editor, SEO audit tool, and the SERP analyzer tool.

Let’s break it down for you!

Surfer SEO Tools Breakdown

Surfer SEO is a powerful tool that can help you with your keyword research, content planning, SERP analysis, and on-page optimization. It uses data from top-ranking sites in Google SERPs to give you the best possible results.

Surfer SEO is worth every penny because of its content editor, SEO content audit tool (add-on), and SERP page analysis tool (add-on). Just having these 3 tools by themselves will help you to improve your rankings 10-fold by finding the right words and phrases to use.

But wait, there’s more! You can easily move your content up the SEO rankings by utilizing these 3 tools mentioned, but using the additional Surfer SEO tools will help boost your rankings that much more.

In this review, we’re going to break down these 5 SEO tools in great detail, so you can better understand the amazing abilities of Surfer SEO.

We’ll break down the following tools in detail:

  1. Surfer’s Content Editor Tool
  2. Surfer’s SERP Analyzer Tool
  3. The Surfer SEO’s Keyword Research Tool
  4. Surfers SEO Audit Tool
  5. Surfer SEO’s Grow Flow

Let’s start with the…

1. Surfer SEO Content Editor

Using the Surfer SEO content editor is the most popular and well-known feature out of all the tools found in Surfer SEO’s arsenal.

If your only focus up to this point has been to use the old-school method of stuffing the hell out of your posts with repetitive keywords to attempt to rank higher in the Google SERPs, I’m here to tell you that ain’t going to cut it and it hasn’t worked for a long time.

When you use Surfer SEO with its Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, the software can check how often semantically relevant words (LSI keywords) appear on your competitor’s pages that are putting them on the first page of Google.

With its data-driven keyword analysis, it’ll be able to provide you with highly accurate and competitive guidelines that are in line with Google’s current standards.

You’ll also get instant feedback on your existing content through their Content Score feature.

The SEO guidelines provided by the Surfer Content Editor will help you optimize your content based on main keyword phrases and data from competing pages that are ranking well in Google.

Getting the Surfer SEO Content Editor Set Up

To set up the content editor in Surfer SEO, you’ll need to create a new project.

Click on the “Content Editor” link, which will bring you to the following page.

Surfer SEO Content Editor

Once you land on this page, you’ll simply enter a seed keyword or keyword phrases that you’ll want to use for your content.

At this point, you have a couple of options.

1st Option: Leave it alone and click the “Create Content Editor” button and wait for it to finish between 15 and 30 seconds.

This will give you guidelines for improvement from the top 10 articles that are ranking on the first page of Google.


2nd Option: You can import content from one of your competitor’s pages by clicking on the slider, as shown in the screenshot below. Then simply enter the website address for the page you want Surfer SEO to analyze.

Surfer SEO Content Editor - Enter Keywords

Analyzing your competitors will help improve your content rankings on Google by providing steps you can take to improve your content based on higher-ranking pages.

One of the nice features of the content editor is that Surfer will save your editor history as you create more editors for different keywords. You can use the search function to quickly locate a previous editor by a keyword phrase or tags.

The monthly limit for content editors is also displayed, telling you how many more unique keyword phrase queries (content editors) you can create for that specific month, before the next billing.

Multiple Content Editors with a Single Click

You can now create up to 4 content editors with one click of your mouse.

Warning: Use this feature wisely because if you use it, you’ll have used 4 out of your 10 monthly credits before your next billing.

If you still want to create up to 4 content editors, click your mouse on the 3 dots to the right of the keywords box as shown in the screenshot below, then click on the “Create Batch of Content Editors” link.

Multiple Content Editors with a Single Click

Clicking on that link will bring up a box where you’ll add a list of keywords to create multiple Content Editors with one single mouse click.

Each line is equal to one Content Editor. You can enter one or more keywords or keyword phrases, separated by a comma, per line to create up to 4 content editors at one time.

Once Surfer SEO has completed its page analysis and created the content editor for your keyword query, it’s time for the next step. This is where the fun begins.

The Content Editor Dashboard

To begin the process of optimizing your content, click on the box for the keywords query that you just created under the Content Editor History, which will take you to the Content Editor dashboard.

This is where you’ll add your existing content that you want to better optimize or start with a brand new post.

This is where the Surfer SEO tool comes alive as a search engine page optimization tool.

Surfer SEO Content Editor Dashboard

Surfer’s content guidelines will suggest keyword phrases that are based on the existing content of other pages that rank highly for your search query or queries.

This could include phrases found in the body, headings, and words based on LSI keyword analysis (using machine learning and natural language processing).

Surfer SEO uses Google’s NLP API, which will analyze sentiment data.

Using this information will allow us to understand the page content better by looking at the main keywords or phrases surrounding them.

Surfer will take a step further and process the data taking the keyword density into account. Keyword density is the saturation of how often a particular word or keyword phrase appears in relation to an LSI keyword.

Get the BEST On-Page SEO Content Editor Today!

2. Surfer SEO SERP Analyzer Tool

The next item we’ll discuss in this Surfer SEO review is the SERP Analyzer tool, which has been made into an additional add-on.

This tool will allow any user to compare and analyze the top-ranking pages on Google. This will help you understand the ranking factors these sites utilize.

Surfer SEO SERP Analyzer

This Analyzer tool is one of the best features that makes Surfer SEO such a great tool for on-page competitors’ keyword analysis and auditing.

The Surfer SEO SERP analysis tool not only provides you with SEO insights but it’ll also allows you to download most of the data-driven information to use in future SEO reports.

Getting the Analyzer Set Up

Similar to the Content Editor setup in Surfer, you’ll first need to create a project.

Click on the “SERP Analyzer” link, which will bring you to the page where you’ll add your keyword phrase.

Surfer SEO SERP Analyzer - Create a Project

Once you land on this page, add your main keyword phrase to see the top-ranking pages.

Once Surfer has completed its crawl of the Web, it will show complete, listing the top pages.

Next, you’ll click on the keywords query box that you just created, which is located under the SERP Analyzer History.

Clicking on this box will take you to the SERP results dashboard.

SERP Analyzer Search Results Page

Once you’re in the SERP results dashboard, it will give you a list of the top-ranking competitors in the Google SERPs.

Before we go too deep into all of the Surfer SEO features, let me show you another cool feature.

Compare Your Articles to Your Competitors

Above all of your competitors is a line where you can type in your post URL, as indicated by the arrow.

Doing this will allow you to see how well you did compared to your competitors.

Surfer SEO SERP Analyzer Dashboard - compare your website to competitors

Analyzing Your Surfer SEO Competitors

To the right of each competitor, you’ll find several options for inclusions and exclusions for comparison.

From Left to Right in the Red Rectangle – the options are as follows:

  • The content score for your entered keyword phrase
  • A domain score that measures the page’s backlink profile
  • Click to add a competitor’s page to the chart
  • Click to exclude competitors from the chart and content audit
SERP Analyzer Competitor Inclusions, Exclusions, etc.

One of the cool features is the Content Outline link. Just click on the 3 Dots that are to the right of your competitor’s information, which will create a small pop-up, as indicated in the image above.

Click on:

  • Screenshots” to get a screenshot of your competitor’s page
  • Content Outline,” which will show the whole Outline for their page

Click on the link, ‘Content Outline‘, and viola, a huge pop-up showing the complete outline of your competitor’s page for you to see how they laid out their blog post.

SERP Analyzer - Competitor Outline

Something kinda cool I discovered about this feature is, while I was looking at a competitor’s page to take a screenshot, I looked closely at a very well-put-together outline, which gave me some ideas for blog posts, crazy huh?

Let’s do a quick rundown of the following tabs that are within the Surfer SEO Analyzer tool.

Let’s start with the…

SERPs Keywords Tab

While you’re in the SERP Analyzer, click on the Keywords Tab. This will propagate all the data for the keywords that are ranking for the search results.

The Keywords tab contains the most commonly ranked keywords and phrases for the competitor page URLs, including some keyword metrics.

This keywords tab shows the following:

  • The common ranked keyword for your competitors
  • The top 10 LSI keywords for each keyword
  • The number of competitor’s pages that are ranking for the same keywords
  • A monthly average of the number of searches for a particular keyword
  • The relevance of each keyword based on traffic and search volume of competitors
SERP Analyzer - Keywords Tab

If you’d like to weed out certain competitors like YouTube or Wikepedia, or any others that made it onto the first page of Google because they are so popular, you’ll have that choice by clicking on the link, ‘Select Competitors’, which is to the right of the words, Commonly Ranked Keywords, as indicated by the arrow in the screenshot above.

SERP Analyzer - Include or Exclude Competitors

In this pop-up window, you can disable or enable any competitors you want to compare keywords data with.

Questions Tab

The 3rd tab contains questions that, at the very least, 2 out of the 20 top-ranking pages also rank for, alongside the keywords you originally submitted.

Shown for each question is the search volume as well as how many pages overlap.

SERP Analyzer - Questions Tab

For whatever reason, there aren’t many questions for the Surfer SEO Review Questions Tab, so I opened another one to show how many questions Surfer SEO can propagate under normal circumstances.

Popular Words Tab

The 4th tab will show you the 30 most popular words that are used on each competitor’s page at least twice, as determined by Surfer.

The words are sorted by the Word, the word count, and the keyword density.

Popular Words Tab in the SERP Analyzer

Popular Phrases Tab

The 5th tab displays 30 of the most popular phrases used on the page, sorted by the number of occurrences.

These phrases are up to 4 words in length and appear at least twice throughout the text.

Popular Phrases Tab in the SERP Analyzer

Common Words Tab

The 6th tab contains a list of commonly used words that are found on the top 10 ranking pages.

Common Words Tab in the SERP Analyzer

Common Phrases Tab

The 7th tab contains a list of common phrases (up to 4 words in length), that are common among the competitor pages that are ranked in the top 10.

Common Phrases Tab in the SERP Analyzer

Prominent Words & Phrases Tab

The 8th tab contains words and phrases that appeared more than once on at least 2 competitor pages.

Related metrics are included, such as:

  • Page frequency for each keyword
  • Keyword density refers to the ratio of keywords per 100 words
  • The average number of times the phrase is used
Prominent Words & Phrases Tab in the SERP Analyzer

Common Backlinks Tab

Although Surfer’s main functions are normally related to analyzing your competition and optimizing content for search engines, the 9th tab provides users with data for off-site SEO!

This tab includes the most frequent referring domains for the top 20 ranking pages, such as:

  • Referencing the number of domains that have acquired a backlink from a specific referring page. The estimated traffic coming from the referrer is also included.
  • The total number of backlinking sites gives us an idea of how many domains are linking to the site. It’s an estimate of the traffic popular domains are receiving.
Common Backlinks Tab in the SERP Analyzer
Get the BEST SERP Analyzer On the Market!

3. The Surfer SEO Keyword Research Tool

The Surfer SEO keyword research feature is another user-friendly SEO tool that will help you move your way to the top of the Google Rankings.

This is an SEO tool that, similar to the other tools in the Surfer SEO software, is simple to use and extremely useful.

For example, if you enter a main keyword phrase and then click the “Create Keyword Research” button to get it started, it will propagate LSI keywords related to your search. Pretty nifty!

Once it’s complete, click on the results under Keyword Research History to receive several related keyword suggestions.

Surfer SEO Keyword Research Tool

Surfer’s keyword research tool ranks keywords by SERP similarity and monthly average search volume, so you can prioritize the best keyword terms for your website.

Surfer’s keyword research features:

  • For your target keyword, it will show at least 2 of the top 20 pages that are ranking for LSI keywords
  • It will target LSI keywords that are similar to the target keyword
  • Questions that at least 2 of the top 20 pages are ranking for, as well as questions related to the target keyword

At any time, you can click on the topic clusters, which will open a window showing you search volumes and keyword difficulty for ranking for that specific term.

Surfer's Keyword Research Summary page

Although it’s not the most state-of-the-art keyword research software available, the other Surfer SEO features more than makeup for it. By combining all of them, Surfer becomes a top overall pick for SEO software.

The keyword research feature of Surfer SEO is pretty good, but the tool’s best features are in the SERP Analyzer and SEO Content Editor options.

4. Surfer SEO Audit Tool

The Surfer SEO Audit tool will help you to improve your blog’s content, which will help you rank higher in the search engines (additional add-on).

Here’s how to get started with the audit tool:

  1. Open your Surfer SEO dashboard
  2. Enter the URL of the page to audit
  3. Add the keyword phrase you want to research
  4. Click the purple “Create Audit” button, and let er’ rip!

Once you’ve entered a specific post or page URL, it will scan your content, comparing it to the data from your top competitors.

It will then give you recommendations for what you need to do to improve that particular page.

Surfer SEO Audit

If you follow these steps, your existing content can improve well enough to compete with those that are ranking better than you.

Here are the following factors the Surfer SEO audit will analyze:

  • Content Score
  • Missing Common Backlinks
  • Internal Links
  • Terms to Use
  • Word Count
  • Exact Keywords
  • Partial Keywords
  • Page Structure
  • Title & Meta Description Length
  • Time to First Byte
  • Load time (ms)

Content Score

The content score chart shows you how your content compares to your competitor’s pages for a given keyword phrase. The score range will let you know what target content score to aim for, to help you rank better.

SEO Audit - Content Score

Missing Common Backlinks

The Surfer audit tool will also provide you with a list of common backlinks that your competitor pages are missing, which can be potential link-building opportunities that you might want to explore for your site.

Surfer Audit Missing Common Backlinks

Internal Linking

Here’s a page that will help you spot internal linking opportunities, which Google loves.

The internal links section of the Surfer audit tool is designed to see if there are other pages within your site that are related to your audited page’s topic. These are potential internal linking opportunities that will help support your audited page.

For each suggested internal linking page, there’s a green checkbox to the right.

SEO Audit - Internal Links

If you hover over the checkmark, a snippet of information will pop up, giving you a suggested fragment of words to where you can add an internal link from that specific page, linking to your audited page.

Terms to Use

This part of the audit tool contains a section with recommended terms to use within your blog post.

In my opinion, this is the best feature within the Surfer SEO audit tool and the best tool to help you move your specific post up the rankings.

Simply add the suggested keyword phrases within your blog post, making sure that it reads naturally.

These Audit metrics include:

  • Example sentences from other sites that use the term you searched for
  • Number of times where the term is used on your site
  • A suggested range based on your current content length
  • The average relevance of the given term
  • The monthly search volume for the given keyword phrase
  • The suggested action, whether to add or remove the keyword phrase
SEO Audit - Terms to Use

Word Count

The Surfer SEO site auditor’s word count section provides recommendations for adding or removing a certain number of words from the content being audited, including the body, header tags, paragraphs, and strong tags.

The word count feature pretty much says that if you want to compete with the top-ranked pages, these are the recommended counts for each related section.

Surfer Audit Word Count

Exact Keywords

The part of the Surfer audit tool will tell you whether it would be beneficial to add or remove the exact keywords from different sections of your blog’s post based on your competitor’s pages.

Simply click on “Show Details” to see the graph for where your audited post compares.

Surfer Audit Exact Keywords

Partial Keywords

This section of Surfer Audit offers tips for including or excluding terms depending on partial keyword density in different parts of the audited page’s content.

This is based on the usage of competitor pages.

Surfer Audit Partial Keywords

Page Structure

The page structure section offers suggestions for modifying your HTML elements to match or exceed those of your competitors.

This includes header tags, paragraphs, images, and Bold (strong) tags.

SEO Audit - Page Structure

Title & Meta Description Length

This audit section will tell you if it’s beneficial to add or remove a certain number of characters from your title or the meta description of your audited page based on how your competitors are doing within the SERPs.

Surfer Audit Title & Meta Description

Time to First Byte & Load Time

These 2 sections of the audit tool analyze how fast your audited page loads in comparison to similar pages from competitors.

The first section shows how quickly your server responds with its first byte of information.

The 2nd section shows the page speed of the audited page.

SEO Audit - Time to First Byte & Load Time
Work YOUR Way Up the Rankings with the BEST SEO Audit Tool!

5. Surfer SEO Grow Flow

Surfer SEO Grow Flow

This helpful tool will provide suggestions for creating better topical clusters of information by suggesting ways for filling in missing content on your site pages (additional add-on).

This tool will make suggestions for filling in gaps for your whole site. It will make suggestions for adding keyword phrases within certain posts.

It will also let you know if you can improve your internal linking structure and make suggestions with a list of articles and where to link them to, etc.

It does this by using what the Google algorithm is looking for in a site, giving your suggestions for filling in the missing information to help you rank better.

In a nutshell, it’s a growth management platform that uses AI designed to enhance your site’s strategy and improve your SEO results.

After you connect to your Google Search Console, Grow Flow will send you weekly personalized tasks and insights to implement.

In other words, Grow Flow does the complex thinking for you, giving you the option to apply their suggestions.

Currently, there are 3 different types of task suggestions:

  • Which keywords you should add to your pre-existing pages (currently up to 10) in order to boost your page’s overall performance
  • New internal linking opportunities
  • Use keyword suggestions to help build your domain authority and fill any content gaps

Not only is this new tool useful, but it’s also complimentary and given to you at no extra cost.

Surfer SEO – AI Article Outline Generator

In just 3 simple steps, get an AI machine-generated outline with one-of-a-kind paragraphs.

Surfer SEO Article Outline Generator - Step 1 - Subscribe to Surfer

Step 1 – Subscribe to Surfer – Choose a Plan

Surfer SEO Article Outline Generator - Step 2 - Choose a Target

Step 2 – Choose a Target Keyword – After that, choose your location and click the button to create a Content Editor.

Surfer SEO Article Outline Generator - Step 3 - Go to the Brief Section

Step 3 – Go to the Brief section – Choose from a variety of interesting and useful headings and paragraphs to add to your text!

Surfer SEO – Keyword Surfer (Google Chrome Extension APP)

Keyword Surfer is a free Google Chrome extension browser App that will give you information for relevant keywords related to your topic with just a few clicks (available in the Essential plan and up).

Surfer SEO - Keyword Surfer (Google Chrome Extension APP)

Keyword Surfer can help you find keyword phrases related to your specific topic and will give you monthly search volumes, and much more, directly from Google. Did I mention it was Free?

If you type a keyword phrase into Google, the tool will give you an estimate of that keyword’s monthly search as well as CPC (cost-per-click) estimates.

This data-driven search will help you determine if a keyword phrase is worth creating content for, based on how often it’s searched and the level of competition, based on a keyword bid.

For each title link in the search result snippets, Keyword Surfer displays:

  • Estimated monthly visitors from the United States
  • The number of specific keywords used on the page
  • The number of words per page
  • If Google changes the title of a search results page, you can see the original title by hovering over “Title changed

Keyword Surfer – Keyword Ideas & Correlation Charts

In addition to the features listed above, Keyword Surfer will also provide related keyword ideas and correlation charts in a panel on the right side of your search results.

The correlation charts provide data for domain traffic, page’s word count, and exact keyword phrases used in the top 10 ranking websites.

This allows you to save time while gaining valuable insights.

My Personal Experience With Surfer SEO

We’ve all been there, writing blog post after blog post only to feel like nobody is reading them. It’s discouraging to say the least, especially when we pour our heart and soul into each article.

Google can be a powerful tool to help increase traffic to our website or blog posts, but sometimes it feels like, despite our best efforts, our work still goes unnoticed.

If you want to make money from your blog, you need people to read it. And for that, you need to learn about search engine optimization.

I used to spend hours upon hours studying SEO religiously, and it felt like I was attempting to learn another language.

However, I do recommend that everyone learn the basics of SEO. Otherwise, you’ll be left wondering why optimizing content for your blog is even necessary.

Once you start learning basic on-page and off-page optimization, you’ll start to realize that it’s actually not as difficult as you might think.

Installing simple SEO plugins like RankMath or Yoast SEO will, at the least, help you with your title tags and description tags.

Grab the SEO Tool Everyone’s Talking About!

Surfer SEO Alternatives

If you’re not happy with Surfer SEO, or if you’re just looking for Surfer SEO alternatives to give a try, here are 3 popular options for SEO software.

3 Well-Known On-Page SEO tools

SurferSEO vs Frase is a page optimization tool that provides features for researching, writing content and briefs with AI, and optimizing written content.

With Frase, you can get help with all aspects of your content creation process so that you can produce the best possible results.

Even though doesn’t have as many features related to content analysis and data like Surfer SEO does, it still helps you with generating content.

Additional mention is that Frase is steadily improving and expanding its capabilities.

Surfer SEO vs

SurferSEO vs Page Optimizer Pro

Page Optimizer Pro is a user-friendly, on-page SEO tool that will allow bloggers and marketers to quickly and easily create well-optimized pages for Google.

Surfer SEO vs Page Optimizer Pro

Kyle Roof’s Scientific On-Page SEO Method is the foundation of Page Optimizer Pro and has been supported by 400+ tests on the Google Algorithm.

Page Optimizer Pro has a workflow that’s straightforward and user-friendly and is designed for both beginners and SEO veterans to help you optimize your web content quickly and easily.

If you’re looking to create content quickly, Page Optimizer Pro is the better tool for you. On the other hand, if your focus is on-page optimization tasks, Surfer SEO will serve your site better.

Surfer SEO vs SE Ranking

SE ranking is an excellent, all-in-one SEO tool for your one-stop shop when it comes to SEO needs and provides some of the lowest plan costs in comparison to its competitors.

SE Ranking includes all the standard competitor and keyword research tools, like an on-page SEO check, that comes with most SEO platforms, as well as an additional on-page SEO tool.

However, Surfer gives you an auditing that is much more complete, with useful suggestions for improving your content to help with your ranking in the search engines.

Surfer AI

Surfer’s AI Content Generator

The Surfer AI tagline, “Click. Refine. Publish. Get Traffic.

Well, we can’t say that enough. Who better to trust with creating high-quality, SEO-optimized blog content than the most elite AI SEO tool on the planet – Surfer AI?

With Surfer AI, you can create, SEO-optimized, ready-to-rank in Google, blog posts using the cutting-edge technology from Surfer SEO.

Surfer AI allows you to research via the top-ranking article from the first page of Google, then write and optimize with a click on a button.

How it Works – 4 Steps

How it Works - 4 Steps

Step 1. Simply type in your keyword of choice then allow Surfer AI to research and analyze your competitors that are on the first page of Google.

Step 2. For this step, you can customize how you want your article to be written. This includes adjusting the Tone of Voice. If you choose, you can add, subtract or rewrite any Headings for the outline; adjust which competitors you’d like to use, review and click, “Let’s Write.”

Step 3. Once the article is created (20 minutes average), review your article for your tone, add a few images, and enrich your final version by adding links to sources or interlinking to other relevant blog posts, etc.

Step 4. Publish your article and watch your post move to the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Surfer AI works for you while you're grabbing lunch, drinking some coffee or talking with a friend.

Forget about researching topics or answering a lot of questions like other AI content writing tools, just to create a blog post, it’s ALL done for you with Surfer AI.

To learn more about this amazing AI tool, follow the link for my Surfer AI review.

Create Content with Ease - 3 processes in a single click.

Surfer AI Reviews

Surfer AI Reviews

Surfer AI Pricing

Surfer AI Add-Ons Pricing Table

Surfer AI Pricing Plans for Articles

  • Grab 1, 2, 3, or 8 at a time for $29/each to test the AI
  • $261 will get you 9 + 1 Free (save $29)
  • $638 will get you 22 + 3 Free (save $87)
  • $1218 will get you 42 + 8 Free (save $232)
  • $2378 will get you 82 + 18 Free (save $522)
Get Started w/Surfer AI Now!
Surfer AI - Pick a Plan - Time = Money - Why Not Save Twice?

Surfer AI FAQs

How is Surfer AI different from other AI writing software?

Surfer AI offers a proprietary algorithm, which optimizes entire articles based on chosen keywords and SERPs to provide user-centric outputs.

Surfer allows you to modify article outlines and tone of voice, activate anti-AI detection boost and include custom URLs.

With Surfer AI, you can cover any topic better than its competitors and generate rank-worthy articles, all with minimum effort on your part.

Most other AI content generators offer customization options to prompt for their articles, which makes those AI tools another GPT layer.

Do you need an active Surfer SEO subscription to use Surfer AI?

Yes, you need to have an active Surfer SEO account to use Surfer AI. Then you can choose any Surfer AI credits/packages or simply one-by-one – your choice.

Remember, the time-limited packages will give you a chance to save 38% for credits until the end of May 30th, so don’t delay!

Does Surfer AI meet Google search guidelines?

According to Google, high-quality content is rewarded regardless of its production method. Google states that automation has been used in publishing to create useful content.

As long as your content is of high quality, tailored to your audience, and not designed primarily to manipulate search rankings, it does not violate Google’s policies.

Get Surfer AI Now!

Surfer SEO/AI – Pros and Cons

Let’s break down the pros and cons of Surfer SEO & Surfer AI.


  • Surfer SEO has a clean and user-friendly interface
  • Surfer comes with an in-depth topic & keyword research tool
  • Surfer will help find the topics and keywords that will actually help you improve your rankings
  • With the recommendations that Surfer SEO offers, you can create an entire content strategy
  • You can analyze your own website and compare it to others within your industry using their competitor’s on-page insights
  • The ability to create charts to include data-driven comparisons for keyword research
  • Surfer is one of the best tools to improve your existing content’s ranking with search engines
  • Surfer not only optimizes your keyword phrases but also your content. Other on-page SEO tools on the market don’t offer a content editor within their platform
  • The Free Google Chrome extension makes it worth it (available for the Essential Plan and up)
  • Surfer SEO is cutting-edge software that continues to add new and helpful tools and features, such as Grow Flow (add-on)
  • Surfer integrates with Google Docs, Jasper AI, Grammarly, CopyScape, and other helpful platforms
  • Surfer AI comes with a slide toggle to Boost Anti-AI Detection
  • Surfer AI creates an SEO-optimized article in minutes (ready for publish after proof-reading)


  • The most basic plan (Lite plan) only allows for 3 Content Editor credits per month which can be used up quickly (additional credits available for $8 each).
  • The Keyword Research tool seems to be the most useless tools of all the features compared to the other SEO tools outside of Surfer SEO
  • The Surfer SEO tools, Grow Flow, Audit and SERP Analyzer are now an additional Add-On cost unless you go with the MAX plan
Don’t Get Left Behind – Grab SurferSEO Now!

Bottom Line

Surfer SEO’s AI growth management platform simplifies a domain-level SEO approach, so you can focus on other important ranking factors.

If you’re looking to create amazing content that will help increase your chances of higher SEO rankings, Surfer SEO will help you do the job.

Their software guarantees quality pages that are optimized for on-page SEO, so you can focus on what’s important – writing great content.

Take control of your on-page SEO rankings with their suite of tools designed to help you work smarter, not harder.

With Surfer SEO, you can create new content or optimize existing site pages with ease!

To give you the most accurate suggestions, Surfer SEO uses a mix of SERP competition analysis, machine learning algorithms, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

By following these guidelines, Surfer will help you come up with a content plan, create optimized pages for your target keyword phrases, help you write precise and accurate content, and audit your existing content from both a user’s point of view and an SEO standpoint.

Surfer will provide you with accurate and relevant data that will save you many hours of research.

I’ve been using this tool for about a year now, and I’ve seen a definite improvement in my SERPs rankings.

Surfer SEO Pricing Plans

Surfer SEO Pricing Plans

Essential Plan

Best for individuals and small teams

The Essential plan starts at $89/month or $69/month – $828 billed annually ($240 savings)

The Essential plan includes:

  • 15 Content Editor credits/monthly (180 annually)
  • $5 per each additional content editor credit
  • Keyword Research 100/day
  • 2 Organization Seats (users outside of owner account)

ALL Features Included:

  • Integration w/Jasper & WriteSonic
  • Sharable article (access for external writers without login)
  • Plagiarism checker (plagiarism checks within the Content Editor)
  • Terms Assistant (AI generated suggestions to insert keywords into existing content)
  • Google Docs integration
  • WordPress integration

Advanced Plan

Best for experts and mid-sized teams

The Business plan starts at $179/month or $149/month – $1788 billed annually ($360 savings)

The Advanced plan includes:

  • 45 Content Editor credits/monthly (540 annually)
  • $3 per each additional content editor credit
  • Keyword Research 100/day
  • 5 Organization Seats (users outside of owner account)

ALL Features Included as Listed in the Essential Plan above!

MAX Plan

Best for For agencies and big teams

The MAX plan starts at $299/month or $249/month – $2988 billed annually ($600 savings)

The Advanced plan includes:

  • 90 Content Editor credits/monthly (1080 annually)
  • $3 per each additional content editor credit
  • Keyword Research 100/day
  • 10 Organization Seats (users outside of owner account)

ALL Features Included as Listed in the Essential Plan above!

ALL Add-Ons included (listed below)

Enterprise Plan

If you’re looking for a customized plan, the Enterprise Plan is for you.

Simply contact their team to help get you set up with a quote that will fit your business needs.

Get Started with Surfer SEO Today!

Surfer SEO Add-Ons

Pick and choose any Add-On to customize your specific Surfer SEO needs

Customize your Surfer Experience with any of their add-ons and tailor Surfer to your needs

Surfer ADD Ons

  • Audit – Optimize your existing pages based on data from top-performing search results
  • SERP Analyzer – Access to powerful add-ons designed to take your work to the next level
  • Whitelabel – Brand Surfer SEO solutions using your own domain name and logo
  • Surfer API – Automate query creation and analyze data without accessing the Surfer web app

Surfer SEO Compare Plans – Pricing Table

Surfer SEO Compare Plans Pricing Table
Get Started with Surfer SEO Today and Rule the Internet!

Surfer SEO Review Conclusion

Stop all the guesswork!

Surfer SEO is a cutting-edge tool, unlike other blogging tools, that will analyze your content and provide keyword research, which is based on over 500 on-page ranking factors.

The SEO tool allows you to quickly find the best keywords and phrases to use within your content rather than you taking an unlimited amount of hours searching for them yourself.

By following Surfer’s guidelines, you can create content that is much more likely to rank on Google. This process will save you tons of research and time, and you don’t have to be an SEO expert to figure it out.

Using Surfer SEO for all the heavy lifting will provide you with data-driven information for what’s missing within your own website or blog, giving you an SEO boost to help skyrocket you to the top of the SERPs.

Don’t Wait Any Longer – GET Surfer SEO Today!
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