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Honest Jasper AI Review for 2024: Can a Robot Write Articles Better Than Us?

What if I told you that there was a piece of artificial intelligence (AI) software that could, quite possibly, create blog posts better than you?

It’s true – artificial intelligence has come a long way in the past few years, and now there are programs that can not only help with basic writing tasks but can also create high-quality, AI-generated content that is sure to engage your audience.

So, should you be worried about your job as a blogger? Probably not – but it’s worth taking a closer look at Jasper AI, the leading content creation program in the artificial intelligence world.

In this Jasper AI review, we’re going to show you what all the fuss is about, so Keep Reading!

Jasper AI Review 2023: Can an Artificial Intelligence Program Write Better Than Us?

Jasper (formerly Jarvis AI) is an Artificial Intelligence writing program that allows you to give various inputs, which will, in turn, create high-quality content that will provide unique outputs.

Jasper, one of the best AI writing tools, will not only help you overcome writer’s block, but Jasper AI will also help you brainstorm blog topic ideas, write long-form blog posts, and even keep you on the straight and narrow, helping you with grammatical errors.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your writing efficiency or you’ve been struggling to keep up with writing deadlines, then the Jasper AI copywriting tool could be your answer.

In this Jasper AI review, you’re going to learn:

  • What the Jasper AI writing tool is all about?
  • List of Jasper’s key features
  • List of Jasper’s amazing AI writing tools
  • Many of Jasper’s benefits, along with who should be using this amazing tool
  • An example of Jasper’s amazing power to create high-quality content
  • Jasper AI Pros & Cons, customer ratings, and so much more

Let’s get started…

Some of the links below are Affiliate Links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase, at No Additional Cost to You. Read my Disclosure for more information.

Table of Contents


Is it possible for an AI writing assistant like Jasper AI to write articles better than a human?

It’s important to understand that content quality is what you’re actually looking for. So in this Jasper AI review, we’ll look at how well it can help you develop engaging material for your discriminating audience.

What is Jasper AI?

Jasper AI is a writing software tool that creates content automatically using artificial intelligence.

To save you time, Jasper AI employs natural language processing and artificial intelligence to create AI-generated content for you.

You can use Jasper AI to create long-form content, write engaging social media posts, create persuasive emails that your audience can’t help but open, and so much more.

There’s a reason that 100,000+ people use the Jasper AI writing tool. The content that Jasper creates is, hands down, better than all of the other available AI writing tools on the market.

If you’re interested in automating your content creation process or discovering methods to create content more quickly, you should give Jasper AI a try.

Try Jasper Today!

Jasper Key Features:

  • 100% Original – Jasper creates 100% original content with artificial intelligence using natural language processing
  • Continual Updates – Jasper AI offers content optimization with organic updates, ensuring that the site’s AI-generated content production is always unique and up-to-date
  • Long-Form Content – Provides long-form, bulk content creation process for more lengthy blog post articles
  • Recipes – Jasper has Recipes, which are a set of instructions to follow like a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) or framework
  • Plagiarism Checker – Jasper will run your content through a plagiarism checker to ensure authenticity (additional charges apply)
  • Grammar Checker – Jasper AI tool has a grammar checker to ensure correct spelling and punctuation
  • Readability – Jasper will let you know the readability score to help you improve your content
  • SEO Integration – To optimize your content for search engines, Jasper AI will connect to Surfer SEO
  • Tone of Voice – You can change the Tone of Voice for your particular writing style
  • Multilingual – You can write and translate in 30+ different languages

Jasper 55+ Templates & Tools

The Jasper AI software offers a diverse selection of templates to pick from, each with the goal of making the content creation process easier while still being simple to use.

NOTE: For the sake of saving space and keeping your eyeballs from crossing, I’ve combined tools that are similar in function or that would be utilized in a comparable category, such as social network tools, etc.

Jasper Includes 50+ Templates & Tools

Let’s begin with:

AIDA Framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The AIDA Framework is a template that can be used to develop content for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action.

If you’re a blogger or business owner who has a ‘Call to Action‘ at the end of your content, the AIDA Framework template might just be the perfect tool you’re looking for to write persuasive marketing copy.

PAS Framework (Problem, Agitate, Solution)

The Problem, Agitate, Solve (PAS) Framework is a template that may be used by individuals wanting to produce material that addresses a problem their target audience may be dealing with.

This PAS Framework has many content creation uses. The Problem, Agitate, and Solve is the foundation for many copywriters and email marketers to sell products through their email lists.

Blog Post Outline creator

The Blog Post Outline creator is a great tool if you have an idea for a blog article but don’t know where to start.

This tool will help you organize your thoughts and come up with an outline for your blog posts so that you can hit the ground running when it’s time to start writing.

The Perfect Headline and Email Subject Lines Template

These 2 different tools are designed to help you create headlines and email subject lines that grab attention. These headlines and email subject line tools are a great way to improve your content’s CTR (Click-through rate), improving your bottom line.

If you’re looking for ways to get more people to open and click on your emails or blog posts, these 2 Jasper AI tools are for you.

Persuasive Bullet Points creator

The Persuasive Bullet Points Creator is a tool that will help you write bullet points that are more persuasive and interesting to your readers.

This is a great way to improve the content creation process and make it more engaging for your readers.

Blog Posts Intro Paragraph & Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph tools

The blog post intro paragraph template will help you create engaging introductions tailored to your specific article.

The blog post conclusion paragraph tool will help you write better endings for your articles that leave a lasting impression on your readers.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your content’s conversion rate, these 2 separate paragraph tools will help you with an engaging introduction content creation with Jasper AI is made easier with the Blog Posts Intro and Conclusion tool.

These 2 different tools will help you write introductions and conclusions for your blog posts that are more persuasive and interesting to your readers.

Blog Post Topic Ideas

The Blog Post Topic Ideas tool helps you find ideas for blog posts that are popular within your niche.

This is a fantastic method to come up with new content creation ideas that are relevant to your field and write materials that your audience frequently asks about.

Facebook and Google Ads and Description tools

The Facebook Ads and Description tool allows you to quickly create high-quality ads that are optimized for conversion.

The Google Ads and Description tool helps you write ads that are compelling and relevant to your target keywords.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your content’s conversion rate, these 2 separate AI description tools will help you.

Video Titles, Outlines, Script Hooks, Introduction & Descriptions Generators

These 5 Different tools for working with Video: Title, Outline, Script Hooks, Introduction, and Description generators are tools to quickly and easily create high-quality video outlines, create compelling content, and titles to boost your video’s click-through rates, along with engaging introductions and descriptions.

These 5 out of the 55+ available tools are the perfect solution to improve your content’s conversion rate and make YouTube videos more engaging for your viewers.

Social Media Tools for Titles, Descriptions, Along with Video Captions

The social media tools for titles, descriptions, and video captions are great for social media posts that are optimized for social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which also include Pinterest and TikTok. Create content for Pinterest pin titles and descriptions that drive engagement, traffic, and reach

If you’re looking for a way to create product descriptions that will drive engagement, traffic, and social reach, then these 3 social media tools are a great way to do it.

SEO Title & Meta Descriptions Generator Tool

Easily create SEO-optimized Titles and Meta Descriptions for your blog posts, homepage, products, and services pages with the help of these 4 separate tools.

The SEO Title & Meta Description tool helps write titles and descriptions that are optimized for search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Additional Listing of Specialty AI Copywriting Tools

You can even create Personal or Company Bio, produce Engaging Questions, create Real Estate Listings, come up with intelligent answers to tough questions with the template, Quora Answers, quickly create Press Releases, Testimonials helpers, Content Improver, and so much more.

Did you know that Jasper AI even has a template called the “Explain it to a Child” tool? What will the Jasper team think of next?

Who is the Jasper AI Writing Tool Best Used for?

Jasper AI can be useful for a variety of individuals, businesses, or groups:

  • Bloggers that want to create high-quality content at scale, so they can make money with their blog. Also, for those bloggers who struggle with writer’s block, this tool will eliminate that issue altogether!
  • Marketing agencies that want to produce SEO-optimized content creation for their clients.
  • An eCommerce site owner who relies on selling their products to make a living can use the brilliant Jasper AI tools to help create engaging titles and descriptions for their products.
  • Small business owners who want to write unique and original product reviews.
  • SEO specialists who utilize the Surfer SEO integration and combine the two tools, Jasper AI and Surfer SEO to ensure their clients have the most optimized content for search engine rankings
  • Social media managers who were hired for their expertise can use Jasper AI to help create engaging social media posts.
  • YouTubers that sell products through video can use Jasper AI to create compelling video scripts for search engines, eye-catching titles, along with engaging intro and descriptions.
  • Here’s another one, and I’m sure there are many, many more to add to this list, but human Writers can use Jasper AI to create compelling content, whether for their own site or for their paying customers and clients.

Many people benefit from using the Jasper AI copywriting tool to save time, eliminate writer’s block, or even create a money-making business with AI, using tools like Jasper.

If you want to create content better, on a faster scale, you must give Jasper a try.

Benefits of Using the Jasper AI Copywriting Tool?

Check out the video to see what Jasper AI can do for YOU!
Try Jasper’s 7-Day FREE Trial!

Back to the Benefits of Jasper

Jasper is an AI copywriting tool that can help you create content better at a minimum of 10x faster.

Some of the Benefits of Using Jasper AI Include:

  1. This AI content writing tool can save you large amounts of timeand money by letting Jasper do the heavy lifting, writing for you at a pace of 10x faster. You’ll have more time to focus on other aspects of your business or blog.
  2. Eliminate writer’s block for good by having a never-ending supply of ideas and inspiration.
  3. Create better quality content by using Jasper’s natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. The content you produce will be of a higher quality and more engaging for your viewers.
  4. Increase your traffic and engagement by writing SEO-optimized content that ranks well in the search engine.
  5. Support your money-making business by writing compelling product descriptions and reviews, along with social media posts.

Jasper AI is constantly being updated with new features and integrations, which means you’ll always have access to the latest and greatest technology.

You can also integrate Jasper AI with other tools such as Google DOCS, Surfer SEO, along with Grammarly and CopyScape. And I’m sure more are coming soon!

Jasper AI Integrations – Breakdown

Another great feature of Jasper AI is its compatibility with a wide range of tools and programs.

Let’s start with my favorite, which is also the easiest way to create SEO-optimized, long-form content for search engines.

Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO Jasper Integration

Surfer SEO is a widely used tool in the SEO business. SEO agencies and businesses use Surfer SEO to help them create high-quality content for their clients that is highly optimized for search engine rankings.

Jasper AI has a direct integration with Surfer SEO, which means you can use both tools together to create the most amazing, SEO-optimized long-form content for your blog or website.

Surfer SEO will also show you the score of your content, giving you the best possible chances for ranking in the Google search engine results pages.

You can learn more about this amazing Surfer tool in my recent Surfer SEO review.


Grammarly Jasper Integration

Grammarly is one of the best online grammar checker tools available. I personally use Grammarly to help me check my spelling and grammar before I hit publish on my blog posts.

Jasper AI has a direct integration with Grammarly, so you can be sure that your content is error-free before you publish it.

CopyScape Plagiarism Checker

CopyScape Plagiarism Checker - Jasper Integration

CopyScape, which integrates seamlessly with Jasper AI, is an essential tool that will check your content for plagiarism before you publish it. No one wants to get in trouble for plagiarizing someone else’s work.

Jasper AI has a direct integration with CopyScape, so you can be sure that your content is 100% unique before you hit publish.

Jasper Commands

Jasper commands are a way of telling Jasper AI what you want. Example: “Write a story about feeling excited to travel to Europe”

Jasper Recipes

Jasper Recipes are pre-built workflows (sets of instructions) that contain a series of Jasper AI, pre-formed commands that will help you create amazing long-form content using a repeatable process.

Just like a food recipe, adding certain ingredients to create a finished meal, Jasper Recipes will help you piece your content together to form an amazing piece of content.

You can create your own or use a saved recipe created by someone in the community (Pro Plan).

Jasper Recipes - Blog Post

Jasper Chat (NEW Feature)

Jasper Chat says: “it’s as easy as saying Hi!”

Jasper AI Chat (NEW Feature)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could carry on natural conversations with AI, without feeling intimidated or robotic?

Jasper is here to make that a reality! Just tell Jasper Chat what you need and he’ll take care of the rest.

Introducing Jasper Chat, the AI-powered conversational platform that enables you to explore uncharted realms of creativity.

Interacting with AI used to be a daunting task; however, Jasper Chat now allows you to have conversations that feel authentic and natural.

Let your Jasper Chat help you out by crafting creative ideas, revising your long-form content with precision, and even making sure to bring a smile to your face.

Jasper Chat makes it a breeze to incorporate AI into your daily life. Instead of making complicated commands and instructions, simply converse with Jasper Chat as you would do with any other friend, then adjust his answers as needed!

Struggling to find the right words or stuck in brainstorming sessions? Jasper Chat is here for you, providing invaluable help, ideas, insights, and more!

Jasper Chat is now available with any of the plans, so get in there and check it out!

Let’s Put the Jasper AI Writing Tool to the Test

How to Use Jasper AI to Write a Long-Form Blog Post

Are you wondering how to write a blog post using Jasper AI?

Here’s a quick overview of how to get started:

Step 1:Choose Your Template

Before you can start writing, you need to choose a template. To do this, log into your Jasper AI dashboard and click on the “Templates” link.

Click on the Documents template (Previously known as the Long-Form Assistant), which will help you write a lengthy article from start to finish.

Choose Your Jasper Long-Form Blog Post Template

After clicking on the Documents template (as shown in the image above), you’ll be taken to a page where it’ll ask you to create a new document.

You Have 2 Options:

  • Start from Scratch – which will help you write any type of long-form content using any combination of AI copywriting templates along with Jasper AI Commands
  • Blog Post Workflow – Get help writing blog posts from start to finish – also using any combinations of AI copywriting templates/Jasper AI Commands
Create a New Jasper Document - Start from Scratch or Blog Post Workflow

Starting from scratch, you’re choosing a blank slate.

So, for the purpose of this Jasper AI Review, we’ll choose the ‘Blog Post Workflow’ option, which will give you the following simple forms to fill out.

Don’t worry too much, the first form is truly the only form you need to fill out, the other 2 you can ask for Jasper’s help.

Jasper's New Blog Post Workflow Template

As you can see from the image above, there are 3 steps that will help you create long-form content in a jiffy, but you have to give Jasper AI a starting point, which we’ll cover here.

Step 1: Describe the content you want to create

As you can see from the writing in the image above, this is the most important step to help Jasper AI understand what you want to write about.

The better you can describe the content creation you’d like to see from Jasper, the higher-quality blog post you’ll create.

So, here you’ll want to describe EXACTLY what you want to write in order to produce a superior blog post article.

Try to remember Jasper AI is just an online artificial intelligence tool, so the material that is produced is dependent on the person using it.

Let’s say you want to write an article about “How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing” Type something along the lines of, “write about how to make money with affiliate marketing and retire at an early age” within the box.

After adding what you want to write about as an option, you can add up to 3 keyword phrases in the box below, as per the screenshot.

New Blog Post Workflow Step 1 - What to Write About

Step 2: Add a Title or Have Jasper AI Create One

You can either write your own title in the box provided or click on the “Generate Ideas” button, which will allow the AI software to create a title for you based on the content creation from Step 1.

If you’re not very good at creating catchy titles, the Jasper AI assistant does a pretty good job of coming up with engaging and informative titles for your blog posts.

New Blog Post Workflow Step 2 - Generated Headlines

Hover over the headline you like and click on the “Use this one” button or click “Generate More Ideas” to get even more headline choices to fit your blog post needs.

For this example, we chose “How to Write Headlines That Engage Readers and Drive Conversions,” as seen in the screenshot below.

New Blog Post Workflow Step 2 - Chosen Headline

Step 3: Create an Engaging Intro Paragraph 

The next step is to create an introductory paragraph that will engage your reader and make them want to read more.

To do this, you can either write your own intro paragraph in the box provided or click on the “Generate Ideas” button, which will allow the AI copywriting software to create an intro paragraph for you based on the content you added in Steps 1 and 2.

If you’re not happy with the results, click the “Generate More Ideas” button for more options.

New Blog Post Workflow Step 3 - Intro Paragraph

When you see one you like, hover over the words, and a button will appear to “Use this one“.

Once you have chosen your Title and Intro Paragraph, you’ll be able to move on to creating your blog post, as shown in the screenshot below.

Jasper New Blog Post Workflow - Set Up is Complete

You’ll notice from the screenshot that it says, “Setup is complete.” You can now click on the “Open editor” button and get started with your blog post.

Once you click on the Open editor button, it will take you to the Editor box, where you can begin creating your masterpiece.

Jasper New Blog Post Workflow - Editors Box

On the left side of the Editor box, you’ll find the Title you chose, the Content description/brief that you wrote to start your writing project, along with a box for Tone of voice.

Before you get started, if you have a specific Tone of Voice you want your blog post to be, you’ll want to enter it in the box on the left side.

I personally use “Casual” or “Witty” most of the time because it seems to work best for my audience.

You can choose funny, witty, sarcastic, mad, mean, professional, or virtually any word you can think of to describe a tone of voice.

You’ll notice that the Intro paragraph you chose is within the Editor’s box.

Many people will just start to let Jasper AI do its thing. I personally would choose to create an Outline first, so on that note, for added help, click on the Power button, as shown in the screenshot below.

This will give you access to the 55 copywriting templates, all in one location. Pretty COOL, huh?

As you can see on the left side, after clicking the Power Mode button, you have your selection of the copywriting templates. Choose the Blog Post Outline template, which will create an outline or list for your blog post.

Jasper New Blog Post Workflow Editors Box - Power Mode Button

After clicking on the Outline template link, you’ll be taken to a window where you can create Content, your Outline, or List.

Confirm your Headline is within the Blog Post Title/Topic box, then at the bottom of that window, click on the “Generate AI content” button, which will give you up to 3 outlines.

If you need more choices, click on the Generate AI content button again until you see something you like.

Once you find an outline you like, click on the “Copy to Clipboard” icon, as shown below. This will copy your outline, which you can then paste into the Edit box on your right.

Jasper's Editors Box - Generate Blog Post Outline - Results

Once you’ve pasted your outline over to the Editor’s box, you can now get rolling on creating your content.

Jasper's Blog Post Results Moved to Editor's Box

Something that will help Jasper AI create content would be to help start the sentence, as shown below.

Notice I started the sentence directly below the first Outline headline with, “Write what the anatomy of a great headline is”.

Jasper Blog Post Outline Begin Composing Content

With the cursor directly after your sentence, click on the “Compose button” and watch Jasper do its thing. You can choose the output length to be short, medium, or long.

Once Jasper AI stops writing, you can click on the Continue Writing arrow again and again if you want more content, and Jasper will keep writing until you’re satisfied with the content created.

Below is what Jasper AI created from the line of wording I typed below the first outline subject.

Jasper Blog Post Outline Generate Content

When you’re ready, move on to the next Outline Headline, rinse, and repeat until you’re happy with the results.

At this point, it’s a matter of playing with the different templates on the left side. You can finish out the Blog Outline from my Rinse and Repeat method above, then move on to virtually anything you want to write about. Just give Jasper AI a Command by starting the sentence, then clicking Compose.

When you get to the bottom of your blog article, you can finish your blog posts with an engaging “Conclusion” paragraph using the ‘Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph‘ template.

Jasper AI Art Generator (Create Any Art or Image in Seconds)

Jasper Art - Create Any Art or Image in Seconds

On August 19, 2022, Jasper AI revealed their innovative AI image generator – Jasper Art. Their goal is to help you bring your thoughts and creativity to life in the form of spectacularly unique images that will enhance any content. Unleash your imagination with this advanced tool!

After the launch of Jasper Art’s AI image generator, a multitude of graphics art enthusiasts signed up for the waitlist!

Before anyone else was granted access to it, those who had subscribed to its annual plan were given priority.

Luckily, the developers at Jasper AI worked their magic, and now all paying customers can access Jasper Art.

As a user of Jasper’s services, you will be granted immediate access to this incredible platform – available with any Jasper AI Pricing plan.

Jasper AI Art Generator

Who is Jasper Art for:

  • If you’re a blogger searching for eye-catching featured images and complementary supporting photos to enhance your blog post, here ya go!
  • An aspiring YouTuber seeking to produce an extraordinary and original thumbnail for their YouTube videos.
  • An email marketer seeking to turn leads into sales can benefit greatly from incorporating personalized images in their emails.
  • Capture the attention of your audience on social media platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter with captivating visuals.
  • Artists who craft Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have the potential to make a hefty profit for their efforts.
  • Are you a book writer in need of eye-catching illustrations to bring your story to life? Grab Jasper Art for all your image creation needs!

Jasper Art stands out from other AI image generators like Midjourney, Dalle-2, and Stable Diffusion due to its advanced ability to generate faces with a life-like quality.

Not only that, Jasper Art’s images are remarkably similar in look and feel to human artistry, truly making it a revolutionary innovation of our time.

Jasper AI Bootcamp

Jasper AI Official Bootcamp

The Jasper AI software offers a boot camp that will help you get the most out of the AI software tool.

Jasper Bootcamp was designed with one purpose in mind, to provide step-by-step instruction to get skillfully trained in using Jasper AI successfully.

It’s designed to assist you with all the amazing features it has to offer to generate AI content for your blog or small business.

This boot camp is not only entertaining with Kyle but also a great way to stay up to speed with its AI writing tool and comes highly recommended.

It is highly recommended that ALL USERS complete the Bootcamp. Because Jasper Bootcamp is a living, breathing course that is always being updated.

The Jasper AI genius’ would love any feedback you have to offer, including any improvements or templates that they might be able to create and add.

Hey, like a newly discovered Star, they might even name the template after you. Well, probably not, but they might throw in credit for you… I think I’m going to shut up now before I get myself in trouble!

Jasper AI Facebook Group

Here’s another excellent way of staying up to date on working with the AI tool. It’s also a great place to learn, stay up to date with upgrades that you may not have noticed yet, and also exchange ideas.

You can join the Facebook group, ask questions, and get help from real Jasper AI customers along with the Jasper AI support staff.

The Jasper AI Team

The Jasper AI Support Team is based in Austin, Texas, and was founded in 2019.

Jasper has a team of passionate individuals who want to see you succeed.

The friendly Jasper AI support team in Austin is ready and excited to help!

The Jasper team is all about developing an AI writing assistant designed to be easy for anyone to use. It’s constantly being updated with new features and improvements.

The team behind Jasper AI is always looking for ways to make their AI writing software more user-friendly and effective.

The Jasper team is constantly working on making their software better, with new features and integrations being released often.

With 4.9 out of 5 stars rating at the time of this writing and with over 5000 reviews and climbing, it’s pretty obvious that the company behind Jasper AI has put customers first.

Jasper AI Affiliate Program

Most software on the market today offers affiliate programs, so what makes Jasper any different?

Jasper offers a 30% recurring commission for life (as long as they remain a Jasper AI user, of course).

I know you already know this, but you’ll need to apply to the affiliate program to start earning commissions.

Jasper AI Pros & Cons – Every Software Tool Has em’

Some of the main advantages of using the Jasper AI Writing Tool include:


  • Jasper helps the user by checking their grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • The AI software tool provides users with a thesaurus, which they can use to find alternative words for certain phrases or terms
  • Jasper AI offers CopyScape (additional cost), which will check your content for plagiarism to make sure your content creation is original
  • Jasper removes writer’s block, saving you time and money, as easy as clicking your mouse
  • Jasper will help you meet any blog post deadlines you might have due to its amazing content writing speed
  • Jasper AI videos that will walk you through the processes with Jasper AI Bootcamp
  • Bloggers – create full-length blog posts using the long-form editor in just minutes, not hours.
  • Jasper is more than just an AI content writing tool; it will help you create Google Ads copy or Facebook ads and even help you with eCommerce or Amazon product descriptions.
  • Easy-to-use and pretty self-explanatory, clean and quick to navigate, interface
  • In Jasper’s dashboard, you can switch between tools and templates without leaving the page
  • Easy to use for Agencies to manage customer projects and users
  • The AI writing tool is compatible with major browsers
  • First-rate customer care, along with the Jasper community, which consists of AI copywriters to help.
  • Jasper is continually being upgraded with its goal of meeting simplicity and perfection.
  • Risk-free 7-Day trial

No tool is perfect, so here are a few Cons for this AI writing software


  • No software is perfect, so the Jasper AI writing assistant may not always produce the results you want, but you can easily help it improve with your input.
  • Not much of a Con, because like any other tool, the content will need to be fact-checked prior to publishing your post.

The Jasper AI offer is a 7-day, no questions asked, 100% No-Risk, Money Back Guarantee.

Not only that but if you choose to pay for a year, you’ll receive 2 months free.

The plans are based on a sliding scale, which is determined by the number of words you want available to use.

Jasper AI Pricing

Jasper AI Pricing Table

Jasper AI Creator Plan

For Marketers, Freelancer, and Entrepreneurs

You can try Jasper for free for 7 days to test it before purchasing.

The Creator Plan is $49/month or $39/month – $468 billed yearly (Save $120).

The Creator Plan includes:

  • Unlimited words per month
  • User Logins 1Seat
  • Writing Length – Long-Form Assistant
  • 50+ Copywriting Templates that’ll help you create compelling product descriptions, paragraphs, ads, improve existing content, and more
  • Multiple AI models – The AI Engine developed by Jasper combines multiple large language models to enhance output quality and maintain superior uptime
  • Latest and Greatest Models – With Jasper’s model, you’ll always be utilizing the latest AI models, including GPT-4, as it updates automatically
  • Recent News & Site Sources – You can ask Jasper to write blog posts about the morning news and include sources with backlinks to each site
  • Integrations – Jasper will integrate with, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Chrome browser extension, Zapier, Grammarly, and the CopyScape plagiarism checker (paid add-on).
  • SEO Mode – Jasper AI will also integrate with Surfer SEO (Surfer SEO subscription required)
  • Jasper Brand Voice – 1Brand Voice – Use AI to analyze your content’s tone of voice, such as “being helpful without being bossy”. You can then establish rules and formatting to train Jasper to write in a style that mimics your own
  • Chat – Use Jasper Chat to assist you in completing tasks, conducting research efficiently, and obtaining answers to questions
  • Memory50 Memories – Provide Jasper with comprehensive information about your products and services, target audiences, and specific details so that it can consistently write accurate details about your business
  • Rephrase & Rewrite – With just one click, you can enhance your writing by using the highlighting feature
  • Jasper Commands (example: “Jasper, write a paragraph on the origins of Bitcoins”)
  • Auto-Save – History & Backup – Never hit “save” again. Save your prompts and outputs automatically and retrieve past versions of your documents easily with just one click
  • Support for 30+ languages
  • Project Folders – organize your projects into folders, such as client work
  • Chrome Extension – You can bring your AI assistant, Jasper, with you everywhere you work by adding it to your Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser
  • Onboarding – join Co-Founder Chris Hull every week for a live onboarding call along with Q&A
  • Jasper AI Support – access to 100,000+ members creating content with Jasper AI
  • Jasper AI Bootcamp – free course to learn the best practices for using Jasper
  • Support – Email

Jasper AI Pro Plan

Small Marketing Teams – Create and Repurpose for Multiple Campaigns

Jasper’s Pro Plan is $69/month or $59/month – $708 billed annually (Save $120)

Everything that comes with the Creator Plan, plus:

  • Users – 1 Seat – Add up to 5 additional team member seats (extra cost)
  • Jasper Brand Voice – Up to 3 unique voice tones
  • Memory – Up to 150 memories
  • Lookback – The AI in the document editor will read 1500 characters of context prior to writing
  • Jasper Art – AI Art Generation – Generate high-resolution art and images without watermarks in just seconds using AI technology
  • Recipes – Provide precise instructions for Jasper to follow that are able to be repeated. You can create, save, and share recipes within the community
  • Dynamic Templates – You can create, save, and share customizable templates
  • User Management – You can control who can access, view, edit, or share documents in your workspace by adjusting each individual’s permission settings
  • Jasper AI Chat Support – Live chat support

The Business Plan

For Pros and Businesses

The Business plan is customizable with the following: custom words/user packages and billing options, along with the onboarding and support you need to scale your business.

Everything that comes with the Pro Plan, plus:

  • Users – For teams who need 10 seats or more
  • Brand Voices – Unlimited
  • Memories – Unlimited
  • Custom Templates – The Jasper team can design personalized templates and workflows specifically tailored to meet the unique requirements of your business
  • Lookback – The AI in the document editor will read 10,000 characters of context prior to writing
  • API Access – Use Jasper’s REST API to either create a custom integration or automate manual processes
  • Account Analytics – View important information like the usage of each project over time
  • SSO – Securely authenticate all user logins with single sign-on
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager – Your organization will receive a dedicated Customer Success Manager who will create a plan of action to incorporate AI into your workflows and provide training on best practices

Jasper will save you hours upon hours of writing. Let Jasper take on the load with its huge library of copywriting templates, so you can focus on other areas of your business.

If you’re looking for powerful AI writing software to create original blog articles, generate outlines, introductions, headlines, ads, and more, then Jasper is the way to go!

With 55+ templates at the ready, output that will put others to shame, and a support team that responds quickly, then this is hands down, the best AI writing assistant available.

Try Jasper Free for 7 Days

Jasper AI Reviews from Their Customers

Jasper AI Reviews from Their Customers

Here are a few comments from customers who have taken the Jasper AI writing tool for a test drive.

  • “This thing is a lifesaver! I was able to generate a full blog post in just a few minutes.”
  • “I never thought it could write so fast! This software has increased my productivity by 500%!”
  • “Finally, I found a software that can write as well as me, if not better!”

Trustpilot – a digital platform that allows customers to review a business from which they’ve purchased a product or service has ranked Jasper 4.8 out of 5.0 stars from over 3000 reviews, as shown in the screenshot below.

Jasper Review - Trust Pilot

Capterra, similar to Trustpilot, offers 4.9 out of 5 stars from 1000+ users of the Jasper AI software tool.

Jasper Review - Capterra

The final review site, G2 shows a 4.8 out of 5-star rating from 700+ reviews.

Jasper Review - G2

4.8 to 4.9 star reviews… not bad for AI writing software.

Jasper Users Voted Jasper #1 Across the Board

Jasper Users Voted Jasper #1 Across the Board

A Few Jasper AI Alternatives

To make it simple, check out our list of Jasper AI alternatives

AI Content Generation Tool Alternatives

  • Content at Scale – Read our review (Top Pick)
  • – Read our review
  • Rytr – Read our review
  • Surfer AI – Read our review

Jasper AI Review 2024 FAQs – All in One Location

What is Jasper AI?

Jasper AI is an exceptional writing tool that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to produce superior content for you.

It has an easy-to-use interface, even if you aren’t tech-savvy.

How does Jasper AI work?

Users type their text into a text box within the application dashboard and let the algorithm run with it.

The neural network will automatically modify sections of your content to make it more readable and engaging.

What is the word limit of the Jasper AI tool?

As of May 1st, 2024,All Jasper Plans include Unlimited Words.

Is the Content from Jasper Original?

Jasper’s content creation is unique, nonrepetitious, and free of plagiarism.

It includes 99.99% original material that is clear and free to distribute, with no copyright issues or concerns related to the legality of their products.

Jasper made a plagiarism scanner inside Jasper Docs using the world’s finest scanner, CopyScape!

Is Jasper AI a desktop or mobile App?

Jasper AI is an online application that you’ll access through your browser at Jasper is not available through Google Play or the Apple Store.

Jasper is an online app that is mobile-friendly, so you can use it on the go from your tablet or cell phone.

What are the available payment methods?

Jasper supports all major credit and bank cards. For your privacy and protection, Jasper uses a 3D secure authentication to safeguard your payment method.

NOTE: Jasper does not accept Paypal, prepaid cards, or other cash apps at this time.

Where can I read reviews of Jasper?

Read why Jasper AI is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars with over 3000 reviews between Trustpilot, Capterra, and G2.

What is the quickest approach to mastering how to use Jasper AI?

Although the technology is futuristic, the creators of Jasper made it easy to use.

The quickest way to become proficient with Jasper AI is to take advantage of Jasper’s Bootcamp.

Does Jasper write in other languages?

By using DeepL translation software, Jasper can understand and write in over 25 languages.

The languages Jasper supports include Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian. Swedish, Chinese.

Is free

Unfortunately, NO! Jasper AI is premium software that has a starting price of $49 per/month or $39/month if paid annually.

Does Jasper AI offer a Free Trial?

Jasper AI does offer a 7-day free trial for testing its abilities.

Try Jasper AI Today!

Jasper AI Review Final Thoughts

Jasper AI is truly an exceptional writing software that can utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to produce superior content for you.

It’s a powerful AI text generator that can help you generate marketing copy and improve your sales process.

While it does have some limitations, the potential benefits of using Jasper AI outweigh any limitations it may have.

If you’re looking for a way to take your business to the next level, we highly recommend giving the Jasper 7-day free trial a try. Whatcha waiting for?

If you’re looking for a way to create AI-generated content better and 10x faster, you must give Jasper AI a try.

If you’re still not convinced that Jasper AI is the BEST AI writing software that money can buy – take a look at our Jasper alternatives.

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