
How To Become a Freelance Writer Using AI Writing Tools – 10 EASY Steps to Success!

Would you like to learn how to become a freelance writer?

The world is changing rapidly with technology advancing at lightning speed. Opportunities are arising every day for those willing to adapt and embrace innovation.

In fact, artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming entire industries – and writing is no exception.

What was once the sole domain of humans is now being assisted by AI.

While this may seem daunting, these new tools actually allow writers to be more efficient and productive than ever before.

In this post, I’ll reveal my 10-step strategy, which can help you harness the power of AI writing assistants to launch a successful freelance writing career from home on your own schedule.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can start a successful freelance writing business generating an income by writing articles, writing blogs, digital marketing copy, and more within a matter of days.

Are you ready to learn how to become a freelance writer, which can give you the freedom and financial independence you desire?

Let’s get started!

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Table of Contents


What Does a Freelance Writer Do?

Before we take a deep dive into the steps for what it takes to start a freelance writing career, let’s first understand what freelance writers do.

A freelance writer is someone who writes content for clients on a project basis, rather than being employed by a single company.

They can write anything from articles and blog writing to social media captions and marketing materials.

How to Become a Freelance Writer in 10 Simple Steps

So, if you’re ready to start your freelance writing career with the PowerandBenefits of using AI writing software, here are my 10 EASY steps to get you started in your freelance business.

1. Develop Your Writing Skills

The first step in becoming a freelance writer is to have good writing skills.

This means being able to write in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.

If you feel like your writing could use some improvement, don’t worry too much because there are plenty of resources available online that can help you improve your writing.

You can improve your writing skills with online courses and writing exercises.

Additionally, practicing writing regularly can also help you improve.

2. Create a Blog and Create Writing Samples

Having a portfolio is essential for showcasing your writing skills and attracting clients.

Starting a blog is another effective strategy to help you whip up some writing samples to showcase your skills.

By doing so, you’ll be able to demonstrate your expertise and attract the attention of potential clients.

Creating a portfolio of writing samples will also help you improve your writing and build your online presence.

Coming up with your portfolio is one of the first things you’ll do as an aspiring freelance writer, but the portfolio of your writing isn’t a static document, so you’ll need to update it and your pitch materials as your career and experience grow.

Be sure to include any previously written work you’ve done, even if it was not paid.

If you don’t have professionally published work, consider writing the type of content that potential clients will want to commission, then showcase it on your blog.

3. Choose Your Area of Expertise (Your Niche)

Once you have a strong foundation in writing, it’s important to identify your niche or area of expertise.

This will help you stand out from other freelance writers and help attract freelance writing jobs for those clients who are looking for a specific type of writing.

Consider your interests, experiences, and strengths when choosing your niche.

Doing this will not only make writing more enjoyable for you but also help you produce high-quality content.

You can also explore freelance writing job boards, which will give you a glimpse into the available job market, employer expectations, and prevailing industry rates.

Once you’ve established your area of expertise as a freelance writer and have honed your time management skills, you can expand your content production to other niches.

Remember, treating your blog as a business and implementing these strategies can lead to a sustainable and profitable freelance career.

4. Choose the Best Writing Tools

To set yourself up for success as a freelance writer, it’s important to have the right tools.

Make sure you have a laptop or desktop computer with writing and task management programs, as well as photo editing software.

Including images with your content can make it more engaging and appealing to clients, so be sure to equip yourself with the necessary resources to excel in your freelance writing career.

To help speed up the writing process, look into artificial intelligence, specifically for AI writing software that can help you write blog posts, and any other form of writing, better and 10x faster than any human alive.

All you’d have to do is proofread and tweak to your liking. And, AI tools like Jasper AI come equipped with Brand Voice which means it will learn your type of writing style, and write articles the way you’d normally write, in your own voice.

Some popular options include Jasper AI writing software, Surfer AI’s article writer, and Content at Scale’s bulk content writing tool.

Research to find the best AI writing tool for your needs and budget.

5. Network with Other Writers

Networking with other freelance writers will help you build connections, which is an important factor in any industry.

If you’re still struggling to narrow down your writing niche, or have any other freelance type of questions, reach out to other writers who will generously share valuable insights on what it takes to succeed as a freelance writer.

They’ll most likely provide some guidance on managing writing businesses, establishing effective writing processes, finding freelance work, and setting competitive rates.

Building connections can also lead to referrals from other writers or clients, helping you expand your client base.

6. Marketing Your Writing (Branding Yourself)

Once you’ve identified your niche and have a portfolio, it’s time to market yourself and your services, with the goal of getting your first paying client.

Your Blog

On your blog, make sure to include a page that outlines the writing services you provide. This will help potential clients understand the value you can offer them.

Be sure to have a page that introduces yourself and highlights your qualifications, showing clients why you are the right person to help them.

Not trying to sound like a broken record, but be sure to include a portfolio with writing samples that will give clients a glimpse of your skills and expertise.

Also, make it easy for a potential client to get in touch with you by having a dedicated contact page.

By incorporating these elements, you can effectively showcase your writing services and attract clients.

Set Your Rates

It’s important to determine your rates as a freelance writer, taking into account factors such as your experience level, the niche you’re in, and the type of writing being requested.

Do some research on industry standards and consider offering competitive rates in order to attract clients.

Don’t undervalue your skills, but also be willing to negotiate and adjust your rates for different projects.

How to Pitch Your Writing Skills the Right Way

When pitching your writing skills to potential clients, it’s important to do so in a professional and persuasive manner.

Highlight your strengths, previous work, and any relevant experience or education that makes you qualified for the project.

Make sure to also tailor your pitch specifically to each client and their needs.

Using Social Media to Find Freelance Writing Gigs

Social media platforms can be a great tool for finding freelance writing opportunities.

Make use of social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, to showcase your work and reach out to prospective clients.

Follow companies or individuals in your niche and engage with their content to build connections.

You can also use hashtags to find articles related to freelance writing or specific topics within your niche, as many clients may use these to find writers.

Using Job Boards to Find Potential Clients

You can also join freelance job boards or platforms, such as Fiverr or Upwork to find clients and advertise your services.

Create a profile that showcases your writing skills and experience, and actively search for available projects that align with your niche and interests.

7. Create a Freelance Writing Contract

As a freelance writer, it’s important to protect yourself and your work by creating a contract for your clients.

This should outline the terms and conditions of the project, including payment, deadlines, and ownership of the content. Learn more here!

Consider consulting with a lawyer or using a copywriting template to ensure your contract is thorough and legally binding.

8. Deliver High-Quality Work and Meet Deadlines

To maintain a successful freelance writing career, it’s important to consistently deliver high-quality work and meet deadlines.

This will help you build a positive reputation with clients and can lead to repeat business or referrals.

Make sure to also communicate effectively with your clients throughout the project to ensure their needs are met and any potential issues are addressed.

9. Continually Improve Your Writing Skills

As a freelance writer, it’s crucial to continually improve your writing skills.

This can be done through practice, attending workshops or conferences, and receiving feedback from clients or other writers.

Don’t be afraid to try new writing styles or techniques, as this can make you more versatile and appealing to different clients.

Guest Post on Other Websites or Blogs

Writing an article for other websites or blogs can be a great way to gain exposure and showcase your writing skills.

Look for guest posting opportunities within your niche and reach out to the website owners with a pitch for a guest post.

This will not only give you a chance to practice your writing but also build backlinks to your own blog or portfolio.

Learn SEO and Keyword Optimization

In today’s digital age, understanding Search Engine Optimization and keyword research and optimization can make you stand out as a freelance writer.

By incorporating these techniques into your freelance writing, you can help clients improve their search engine rankings and attract more traffic to their content.

Consider taking online courses or doing research to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO strategies.

Seek Feedback and Improve

Lastly, always seek feedback from clients or other writers to continually improve your writing skills.

This will not only help you become a better writer but also make you more attractive to potential clients.

Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth.

As with any skill, practice and continuous improvement are key to success in the freelance writing world.

10. Find a Writing Agency That Will Help Support You

If you’re struggling to find freelance writing work or balancing your workload as a freelance writer, consider working with a writing agency.

These agencies can provide you with consistent work and support in terms of finding clients, negotiating rates, and managing deadlines.

This can free up more of your time to focus on the actual writing process and improve your skills without worrying about finding new projects.

Do your research and reach out to reputable writing agencies that align with your niche and goals.

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Freelance Writing FAQs

How much can freelance writers make?

As of January 7, 2024, the national average wage of freelance writers in the United States earns an average hourly pay of $23.27, with the highest hourly wage being, $35.62 according to ZipRecruiter.

Initially, earning a decent wage as a freelance writer without experience can be an issue. However, once you land your first batch of freelance writing gigs and put together a portfolio, you’ll start to see things pick up.

Effectively demonstrating the value of your work to clients enables you to tailor your writing to specific target audiences and command higher rates.

What do you need to become a freelance writer?

Successful freelance writers need three key elements: a portfolio of writing samples, great ideas, and a strong network.

Building connections with the right people opens doors to new projects and opportunities, both for yourself and for others.

To build connections with your favorite local writers, consider grabbing a coffee together or joining an online freelance writer’s group.

These networks offer opportunities to exchange editor contacts and valuable resources.

While it’s important to focus on your specialty, don’t pass up assignments that may present a challenge. Embrace them and seize the opportunity to grow.

How do I become a freelance writer with no experience?

If you have no prior experience as a freelance writer, start by building your portfolio with writing samples.

You can write for your own blog or contribute to websites and publications that accept guest posts. This will not only help you gain writing experience but also provide evidence of your skills to potential clients.

Additionally, consider taking online courses or workshops to improve your writing skills and learn more about the freelance writing business.

Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to other writers for advice or guidance.

Networking and building relationships can lead to valuable opportunities and mentorship.

What is the easiest type of freelance writing?

The easiest type of freelance writing will vary from person to person, as it depends on individual strengths and interests.

Some writers may find web content or blog writing easier, while others may excel at technical or academic writing.

It’s important to explore different writing styles and types to determine which comes most naturally to you. This can also help you identify your niche in the freelance writing market.

Ultimately, the easiest type of freelance writing will be one that you enjoy and have expertise in.

So, don’t be afraid to try different types of writing and see what works best for you. Stay true to your interests and strengths, and the rest will fall into place.

Is there a demand for freelance writers?

Yes, there is a high demand for freelance writers in today’s digital age. As more businesses and individuals are creating online content, the need for quality written material has increased.

Moreover, with the rise of remote work and the gig economy, many companies prefer to hire freelance writers rather than full-time staff.

This creates ample opportunities for freelance writers to find consistent work and build a successful career.

So, if you have a passion for writing and the skills to back it up, there is definitely a demand for your services in the freelance writing market.

Keep an eye out for new job postings and proactively reach out to potential clients to stay ahead of the game.

Is freelance writing a good side hustle?

Yes, freelance writing can be one of the most profitable and flexible side hustles for those with a passion for writing.

As a freelancer, you have control over your schedule and workload, making it easy to balance with other commitments.

Additionally, freelance writing can offer a variety of projects and clients, allowing you to explore different topics and industries while building your skills.

However, it’s important to note that building a successful freelance writing career takes time and effort.

So, be prepared to put in the work to make it a profitable side hustle. Overall, freelance writing can be a great way to supplement your income while doing something you love.

Keep pushing yourself to improve and seek out opportunities, and you may find that it becomes more than just a side hustle but a full-time career.

Can I be a freelance writer in different niches?

Yes, you can definitely be a freelance writer in different niches. In fact, many successful freelance writers have multiple niches they specialize in.

Having diverse niches can help expand your client base and bring in more projects from different industries.

However, it’s important to ensure that you have enough knowledge and expertise in each niche before taking on writing assignments.

This will not only help you produce quality content but also maintain your reputation as a reliable writer.

So, don’t be afraid to explore different niches and expand your skills. Just make sure you can deliver top-notch work in each one.

Overall, freelance writing allows for the flexibility to write in different niches, making it an ideal career choice for those with varied interests and strengths.

What do you need to be a freelance writer?

To be a successful freelance writer, you need to have excellent writing skills, strong self-discipline, and the ability to market yourself effectively.

Aside from these key elements, there are also a few important tools that can help make your freelance writing career easier and more efficient.

Firstly, having a reliable computer or laptop with necessary software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs is essential.

Secondly, a good internet connection is crucial for communicating with clients and conducting research.

Lastly, consider investing in artificial intelligence tools like Jasper AI writer to speed up the writing process, Grammarly for fixing grammatical errors, along with plagiarism checkers to ensure the quality of your work.

Overall, becoming a freelance writer requires a combination of talent, hard work, and the right tools to succeed in this competitive market. Keep honing your skills and building your network,

What type of writing is most profitable?

The most profitable type of writing will depend on factors such as market demand, your expertise and niche, and the clients you work with.

Generally, industries such as technology, finance, and healthcare tend to pay higher rates for freelance writing projects.

It’s also worth considering specialized forms of writing like technical or copywriting, which often command higher fees due to their specific skill requirements.

However, it’s important to remember that profitability shouldn’t be the sole factor in deciding which type of writing to pursue.

Passion and interest in a particular topic or style will ultimately yield better quality work and satisfaction for both you and your clients.


Freelance writing work, especially in the beginning, can be inconsistent. Having a part-time job can provide financial stability while you build your portfolio and client list.

It can also bridge the gap between assignments and invoices. It’s a smart strategy to support your writing career and ensure a steady income stream.

Becoming a successful freelance writer using the help of the Best AI content generators is a journey that requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of technology.

By following the 10 easy steps outlined in this blog post, you’re well on your way to achieving success in this highly competitive industry.

Remember to always keep learning and experimenting with different tools and techniques to stay ahead of the game.

And most importantly, don’t be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there – sometimes the biggest rewards come from stepping out of your comfort zone.

So go forth and harness the power of AI writing tools to elevate your freelance writing career!

Related ArticleWant MORE Freelance Gigs? Visit my post, 34 of the BEST side hustles using AI to make extra money from the comfort of your home (potential of 1000’s per month)
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