
How to Make Money as a GhostWriter: 10+ Established Tips to Get You Started Today!

Ghostwriters have an incredible opportunity to turn their writing skills into a profitable venture by offering their writing services to clients in need of professional writing assistance.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the various tips, tricks, and strategies to successfully make money as a ghostwriter in the competitive world of freelance writing.

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Table of Contents


Key Takeaways

  • Diversify Your Services: Offer a range of ghostwriting services such as articles, blogs, eBooks, speeches, and more to attract a wider client base.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Showcase your writing samples in a professional portfolio to demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential clients.
  • Network and Market Yourself: Utilize social media, freelance platforms, and professional networks to connect with clients and promote your ghostwriting services.

What is a GhostWriter?

A GhostWriter is a professional freelance writer who works behind the scenes to create written content for clients without receiving any credit or recognition. This can include anything from books and articles to speeches and marketing materials.

As a ghostwriter, you are hired by clients to write on their behalf, using their ideas and voices to bring their vision to life in written form.

Make Money as a Ghostwriter

Even if you are new to ghostwriting, there are steps you can take to make money writing for clients.

As a freelance writer (ghostwriter), you must be able to adapt to various writing styles and tones to match the needs of different clients.

This requires practicing regularly and honing your craft. Reading extensively and engaging in writing exercises can help you improve your writing skills and expand your vocabulary.

Developing Your Writing Skills

Skills in ghostwriting go beyond just being able to write well – it involves understanding client expectations, meeting deadlines, and maintaining a high level of professionalism.

To sharpen your writing skills, consider taking writing courses, attending writing workshops, or finding a mentor who can provide valuable feedback.

As you develop your skills, you will become more confident in your ability to deliver high-quality content that meets the needs of your clients.

Building a Strong Portfolio

There’s no denying the importance of having a strong portfolio as a ghostwriter.

Your portfolio is a reflection of your skills and expertise, showcasing the range of topics you have covered and the quality of your work.

Start by creating sample pieces that demonstrate your writing abilities across different genres and formats.

You can also consider offering your writing services at a discounted rate to reputable clients in exchange for permission to feature the work in your portfolio.

A strong portfolio will not only attract potential clients but also help you establish credibility in the competitive world of ghostwriting.

Strong portfolios often include a variety of writing samples such as blog posts, articles, eBooks, or even social media content.

These samples should demonstrate your ability to write in different tones, styles, and voices to cater to a wide range of client needs.

Keep your portfolio up to date with your latest and best ghostwriting work to showcase your growth and versatility as a ghostwriter.

Don’t forget, that a strong portfolio is your best tool for convincing clients of your abilities and landing lucrative ghostwriting projects.

Establishing Your Presence

Crafting an Impressive Resume and Profile

For aspiring GhostWriters, crafting an impressive resume and online profile is crucial for establishing credibility and attracting potential clients.

Highlight your writing experience, areas of expertise, and any relevant education or certifications.

Make sure to showcase a portfolio of your work to demonstrate your writing style and abilities.

Additionally, include testimonials from previous clients to build trust with new clients.

Polish your profile on freelancing platforms and professional networking sites to increase your visibility and attract potential clients.

Networking and Marketing Strategies

Clearly define your target audience and develop a marketing strategy to reach them.

Utilize social media platforms to promote your services, engage with potential clients, and share your expertise in the writing field.

Join writing groups, forums, and online communities to network with other professionals and potential clients.

Building relationships with editors, publishers, and other freelance writers can lead to referrals and new opportunities.

Networking and marketing are imperative to growing your client base and establishing yourself as a successful GhostWriter.

Strategies to Get the Job Done

Utilize email marketing campaigns to stay in touch with current and potential clients, offering writing tips, industry insights, and examples of your work.

Collaborate with other writers on projects or guest blogs on popular writing platforms to showcase your skills to a broader audience.

Attend writing conferences, workshops, and events to connect with industry professionals and learn about the latest trends in the writing world.

Finding Ghostwriting Opportunities

Where to Look for Ghostwriting Jobs

A freelance ghostwriter can find writing jobs by searching online job boards, freelancing websites, and social media platforms.

Through proper searches, you can find those wanting to hire ghostwriters for special projects.

Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr will also have listings for ghostwriting projects in various genres such as books, articles, blogs, and more.

You can also choose from over 5000 skilled creative professionals excelling in diverse areas like books, articles, cover designs, and SEO.

You can also reach out to companies, entrepreneurs, or individuals directly and offer your services.

Networking and building relationships in the writing community can also lead to referrals and job opportunities.

Don’t be afraid to cold pitch potential clients by showcasing your skills and expertise through a personalized email or letter.

Additionally, joining other professional writers in freelance writing communities, along with forums, can also help you discover potential ghostwriting gigs through networking and referrals.

Pitching Yourself to Potential Clients

There’s a proactive approach to finding ghostwriting opportunities by pitching yourself directly to potential clients.

Research companies, individuals, or publishers who may require ghostwriting services and reach out to them with a personalized pitch showcasing your writing expertise and experience.

Highlight your writing skills, previous work samples, and how your freelance writing services can add value to your project.

Look for opportunities to pitch your services at writing conferences, networking events, and through cold emailing.

It’s imperative to tailor your pitch to the specific needs of the potential client and demonstrate why you are the best fit for the job.

Remember to follow up on your pitches and maintain a professional and persistent approach to increase your chances of landing ghostwriting gigs.


Ghostwriting offers a lucrative opportunity to earn money writing by providing services to clients who require content without receiving public credit for their work.

As a ghostwriter, you have the flexibility to work on a variety of writing projects and genres while honing your writing process and building a diverse portfolio.

By actively seeking out ghostwriting opportunities and pitching yourself to potential clients, you can establish a successful career as a ghostwriter and generate a steady income from your writing talent.

Setting Your Rates

Factors Influencing Ghostwriting Fees

Now, when setting your rates as a ghostwriter, it’s important to consider various factors that can influence your fees.

These factors can include your level of experience and expertise, the complexity of the project, the expected time commitment, and the industry or niche you are writing for.

Additionally, your reputation and the demand for your services can also play a role in determining your fees.

  • Your level of experience and expertise
  • The complexity of the project
  • The expected time commitment
  • The industry or niche you are writing for
  • Your reputation and demand for your services

Recognizing these factors and how they contribute to the overall value you bring to the table as a ghostwriter can help you set competitive and fair rates that reflect your worth.

How to Determine Your Pricing Structure

Fees can vary widely among ghostwriters, with some charging per project, per word, or per hour.

When setting your pricing structure, it’s vital to consider the scope of the project, your desired hourly rate, and the specific needs and expectations of your clients.

Some ghostwriters may choose to offer package deals for ongoing projects or bulk orders, while others may prefer a tiered pricing system based on the level of research or editing required.

Setting a clear pricing structure can not only help streamline your invoicing process but also provide transparency and clarity for both you and your clients when it comes to determining the cost of your services.

Legal Considerations

Understanding Copyrights and Contracts

Contracts are the backbone of any successful ghostwriting business.

When entering into agreements with clients, it is crucial to outline the scope of work, deadlines, payment terms, and ownership of the content.

By clearly defining these terms in a contract, you can protect yourself and your work from any potential disputes or misunderstandings.

Your understanding of copyrights is equally important. As a ghostwriter, you may be transferring the rights to your work to the client upon completion.

Make sure to clarify the ownership rights in your contracts to avoid any conflicts in the future.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with copyright laws to ensure you are not infringing on any existing works.

Protecting Your Interests and Rights

On top of having watertight contracts in place, it is necessary to take additional steps to protect your interests and rights as a ghostwriter.

Consider using non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to maintain confidentiality and prevent clients from disclosing your involvement in their projects without permission.

You can also include clauses in your contracts that address revisions, authorship credits, and any potential legal issues that may arise during the project.

It is vital to stay informed about the legal landscape surrounding ghostwriting to safeguard your freelance writing business and reputation.

By proactively addressing legal considerations and protecting your interests, you can ensure a smooth and successful career as a ghostwriter.

Enhancing Your Skills and Knowledge

Continual Learning and Improvement Tips

Keep sharpening your skills as a ghostwriter by engaging in continual learning and improvement.

Attend writing workshops, read books on writing and storytelling techniques, and take online courses to enhance your abilities.

Seek feedback from clients and colleagues to identify areas for improvement and be open to constructive criticism.

  • Continually strive to expand your vocabulary and writing style.
  • Join freelance writers through groups or forums to network with other professionals in the field.
  • Regularly practice your craft by writing in different genres and formats.

This dedication to learning and growth will set you apart as a skilled ghostwriter in the industry.

Keep pushing yourself to reach new heights and evolve as a freelance writer.

Use AI Writing Assistant Tools for Enhanced Support

As a freelance writer, it’s essential to invest in tools that can help streamline your writing process and help improve the quality of your work.

AI writing assistants, such as Jasper AI, can assist in generating ideas, improving grammar and sentence structure, and optimizing SEO content.

By incorporating the use of these AI tools into your writing workflow, you can save time and effort while producing high-quality content for your clients.

Staying Up to Date with Industry Trends

Stay informed about the latest industry trends and changes to maintain relevance and competitiveness as a ghostwriter.

Follow writing blogs, subscribe to writing magazines, and attend writing conferences to stay updated on the latest developments in the field.

Networking with other freelance writers and industry professionals can also provide valuable insights into emerging trends.

Enhancing your knowledge of industry trends will not only help you adapt to changing market demands but also position you as a knowledgeable and sought-after ghostwriter in the industry.

Diversifying Your Ghostwriting Services

After mastering the art of ghostwriting, you may find that expanding your services can not only increase your earning potential but also attract a broader range of clients.

Diversifying your ghostwriting services can open up new opportunities and help you stand out in a competitive market.

Expanding Into Different Genres and Formats

On your journey to diversifying your ghostwriting services, consider branching out into different genres and formats. If you’ve primarily focused on fiction writing, try your hand at non-fiction or technical writing.

Explore opportunities in various formats such as eBooks, blog posts, scripts, or even social media content.

By diversifying the genres and formats you offer, you can appeal to a wider audience and cater to different client needs.

Offering Additional Services for Added Value

On your path to expanding your ghostwriting services, consider offering additional services to provide added value to your clients.

This may include services like editing, proofreading, or even book formatting.

By offering these supplementary services, you can offer a comprehensive package that meets all of your client’s needs in one convenient place.

Now, by providing a range of services beyond just ghostwriting, you can establish yourself as a one-stop shop for all of your client’s publishing needs.

This added value can set you apart from other ghostwriters and make you a more attractive option for potential clients.

Plus, offering additional services can also lead to increased income opportunities as you can charge separately for each service you provide.

This can help you diversify your revenue streams and maximize your earning potential as a ghostwriter.


What is a ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter is a skilled freelance writer who crafts content for clients without being acknowledged or credited for their work.

This can include books, articles, speeches, and other written materials.

How can I start making money as a ghostwriter?

There are several ways to make money as a ghostwriter.

You can offer your services on freelance platforms, work directly with clients, pitch ideas to publishers, or apply for ghostwriting positions at companies.

What skills do I need to be a successful ghostwriter?

To be a successful ghostwriter, you need excellent writing skills, the ability to adapt to different tones and styles, good research skills, and the ability to meet deadlines consistently.

How much can I charge as a ghostwriter?

Ghostwriting rates vary depending on the project, your experience, and the client’s budget.

Rates can range from $0.05 to $1.00 or more per word, or a flat fee per project.

How can I market myself as a ghostwriter?

You can market yourself as a ghostwriter by creating a professional website or portfolio showcasing your work, networking with authors and publishers, leveraging social media to showcase your expertise, and asking clients for testimonials to build credibility.


Hence, becoming a ghostwriter can be a lucrative career for those with a talent for writing and storytelling.

By honing your skills, building a strong portfolio, networking with potential clients, and staying organized with your projects, you can establish yourself as a successful ghostwriter in the industry.

Remember to always prioritize professionalism, integrity, and clear communication with your clients to ensure long-lasting relationships and a steady stream of income.

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