
Jasper AI Vs. Content at Scale: Which Tool Writes MORE Like a Human – Quick Comparison!

Are you a small business owner or marketer looking to optimize your blogging business?

If so, then you’re likely considering the best automation tools available.

With so many automation tools to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one is the best fit for your blogging business.

Jasper AI and Content at Scale are two of the most popular choices among bloggers today, but what sets them apart from each other?

In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look into Jasper AI vs content at scale, comparing the features and benefits of both services before breaking down their price points and providing our verdict on which tool is best suited for optimizing your blogging business.

Let’s get started!

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Table of Contents


Jasper AI vs Content at Scale: Head-to-Head Comparison

The use of automation tools to optimize content production is an invaluable asset for any blogging business.

AI writing tools can provide a boost in efficiency and productivity, cutting down on wasted time and resources.

Jasper AI and Content At Scale are two powerful tools that can help marketers and small business owners optimize their blogging businesses.

They both offer a wide range of features to make content creation easier, faster, and more efficient.

Jasper AI

Jasper is an AI writing tool that offers automated content generation using natural language processing (NLP) and a machine learning algorithm.

It helps users create engaging blog posts quickly without having to write them manually from scratch.

The user-friendly design of Jasper AI makes it simple to use for any individual.

Content at Scale

Content At Scale integrates a mix of 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) engines along with two different Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Semantic Analysis machine learning algorithms to generate content.

With the use of machine learning algorithms, Content At Scale analyzes large amounts of data to find the most relevant information for your blog posts while ensuring they are optimized with relevant keywords as well as optimized for SEO.

With this unique setup, Content at Scale can produce high-quality, long-form blog content in mass quantities, all at once, without having to manually create each piece of content.

It has a user-friendly design which makes it easy for anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to use the platform efficiently and effectively.

Both Jasper AI and Content at Scale have their own unique benefits when it comes down to optimizing your blogging business.

Laymen’s Terms Comparison

Jasper is amazing at producing content, but you can only work on one blog post at a time.

What sets the two apart is that Content at Scale produces mass quantities of completedblog posts. The only thing CAS doesn’t do is add images automatically, at least not yet.

Meaning, you can add a keyword phrase and a few more pieces of information and click the button. Or, you can upload a CSV Excel file with all the keyword phrases you’d like to create an article for, and viola! Mass production!

Then, you simply take the finished draft produced by the AI writing tool, edit as you see fit, and publish it!

Here’s What I Do…

I use BOTH, Jasper AI and Content at Scale.

I produce 2 to 3 articles a week using Content at Scale, I then use Jasper for any adding or rewriting I need to do with the articles. It’s a Win-Win!

Comparison Chart Between These 2 Amazing AI Content Generators

Image courtesy of Content at Scale

If you’ve looked at the chart, you’ll see why I use both of the platforms, Jasper AI and Content at Scale.

→ I can create mass quantities of blog posts in minutes, with Content at Scale, then take my time editing them just the way I like them, using Jasper AI.

How to Choose the Right AI Writer?

Deciding on the AI writing platform for your business’s needs is a crucial step.

It’s essential to analyze your goals and objectives, as well as assess your budget, before making a final choice.

When analyzing your business goals and objectives, it’s important to consider what you want to achieve with the platform. Are you looking for more leads? Better customer service? Are you trying to increase sales?

After you’ve identified your goals, take the time to review the platforms to determine which one is best suited for accomplishing them.

Assessing your budget is also key when choosing a platform. Compare prices between providers to find one that fits your budget and offers the features you need for success.

Think about the amount of money you can spend on a platform and evaluate different vendors to find one that meets your financial limits while still providing all the necessary components for success.

It’s also important to think about scalability when selecting an AI writer; will it be able to handle the increase in demand for your business if needed?

Look into each provider’s infrastructure and technical capabilities so that there won’t be any surprises down the line if things start getting busier than expected.

By doing this research upfront, businesses can ensure they select a reliable platform tailored specifically to their individual needs without breaking their bank account in the process.

Selecting the most beneficial platform for your organization is paramount to attaining optimal returns.

Jasper AI Features

Jasper AI is a content writing tool that allows users to create, manage and monetize their content. It offers a range of features designed to help bloggers maximize their success.

Here’s a breakdown of the features:

  • Jasper is an AI copywriting tool that uses natural language processing-driven artificial intelligence to generate 100% original content, allowing you to save time and money while producing high-quality work
  • The AI tool offers a wide selection of 50+ templates, with each one having a different goal for creating content.
  • This AI tool can provide informational, long-form content that readers crave
  • Jasper offers their unique standard operating procedure (SOP) roadmap, which they call, Recipes, which is a framework to help create templatized content
  • The AI tool offers a comprehensive plagiarism checker to confirm your content’s legitimacy (additional charges apply)
  • The Jasper AI tool works with Grammarly checker to ensure correct spelling and punctuation
  • With Jasper, you can measure the readability of your content and make necessary adjustments to enhance its clarity
  • Create captivating product descriptions and reviews, as well as social media posts
  • To help you with search engine optimization, Jasper connects with Surfer SEO – see my SEO tool review to learn more about the Surfer SEO tool
  • You can customize the Tone of Voice to your particular writing style to help captivate readers
  • You can write and translate using Jasper in 30+ different languages

Content At Scale Features

Content at Scale is an AI writing tool that can help small businesses and marketers to generate upgraded, more captivating content much faster than they ever could before!

With its comprehensive suite of features and capabilities that exceed those offered by Jasper and other AI content writing tools, there still hasn’t been any other long-form blog content tool created that matches Content at Scale capabilities.

Below are a few of the features for this unique content-writing tool:

  • Automated Content Production – Generate high-quality content fast and at scale.
  • On-Page SEO Checklist – Keyword suggestions aid you in improving the quality of your content. Make changes, and the tool will automatically update the checklist.
  • CaS Rerun-Until-You-Like-It Guarantee – If you are not satisfied with the article generated, you can simply click on “Re-Run” within the Research tab to create a 2500+ word, different article. Do this as many times as you’d like, until you’re happy – CompletelyFREE.
  • Adds Click to Tweet – Take your posts to the next level with a single click and add a Tweet box, which can boost user engagement levels on your content pieces.
  • Auto-Generated Table of Contents – Adding a Table of Contents to your article can improve search engine rankings. CAS will automatically create one for you with links that take readers right to each segment in your post.
  • Write Long Form Content – Content at Scale can generate captivating, 3000+ word blog posts while simultaneously suggesting semantically related keywords that align with your chosen keyword phrase.
  • Plagiarism Scans – Content at Scale uses Copyscape’s plagiarism-checking technology, which is included in the package, free of charge! With just a single click of your mouse, you can scan your content for any potential issues, making sure it’s always authentic.
  • Integrates Directly with WordPress – CAS has created a WordPress plugin that will integrate with your WordPress dashboard. After connecting the plugin with your WordPress dashboard, you can add your finished content directly to your Posts page within the category of your choosing.
  • Get a Year of Content Planning FREE – Content at Scale offers a ready-made content plan for a full year. Our service includes researching and finding keywords and top-ranking content in your niche to help you scale your content and make the most out of Content at Scale. Starts at $500/mo plans.
  • Adds a Key Takeaway to almost every section in your post
  • Adds a FAQs section at the end of your post

Content at Scale 2.0 – Game-Changing NEW Features

Content at Scale has been completely redesigned with groundbreaking new features and updates.

These new changes are going to leave all the other AI content generators behind (Video Showing the New Features a Little Bit Further Down, so Keep Reading!)

I just finished watching the video which shows their recent updates, and I’m excited! YOU, Gotta, Watch ITVideo Below!

As you’ll see in the video, there are new and easier ways to create content that will make your content creation SO MUCH EASIER!

Although I LOVE Jasper and will keep using it along with Content at Scale – your search for the BEST AI writer may end today!

  • Video to Post: Make your mark on the educational landscape by finding a YouTube channel that specializes in what you do, or turn existing video content into riveting blog posts! You’ll be sure to leave an unforgettable impression using this strategy.
  • Podcast to Post: Tap into the full potential of your audio content by transforming podcast episodes or MP3s into comprehensive educational articles with optional embedded sound clips. If you don’t have a podcast, that’s perfectly fine! Take advantage of existing podcasts from like-minded peers in the industry; embed their episode on your website to generate opportunities for cooperation and collaboration.
  • URL to Post: Are you struggling to outperform your competitors in content marketing? Or do you aspire to emulate the success of influential thought leaders and websites within your industry? Rewrite high-quality articles using existing URLs as a reference point, and create something completely unique.

This launch IS a game-changer thanks to their groundbreaking user interface, AI recognition technology, and performance scoring system!

Watch the Video Now – You’ll GET Excited Too!

It’s 6 minutes long, but well worth it!

GET Content at Scale NOW!

Benefits of Jasper AI

Some of the benefits of Jasper AI are as follows:

  • Saves Time – This AI writing tool can save you valuable time by taking care of all your heavy lifting at record speed, with an average rate of 10x faster than any human alive.
  • Eliminates Writer’s Block – Jasper eliminates writer’s block forever and unlocks your creative potential with an infinite source of ideas and inspiration.
  • Cost Savings – Save boatloads of cash using Jasper AI by eliminating the need to hire writers for new content or additional staff to update your existing content.

By remaining up to date with the most advanced features and integrations, Jasper AI ensures that you stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge technology.

Get Started w/Jasper AI NOW!

Benefits of Content At Scale

Content at Scale can be an invaluable tool for marketers and entrepreneurs alike by optimizing the process of generating large masses of content while saving time, money, and effort!

Let’s go over some benefits of Content at Scale:

  • Cost savings – using Content at Scale to create content in mass quantities reduces the need to pay writers. Ultimately resulting in huge savings!
  • Time Savings – Automation is the essential element for reducing time-consuming labor when creating content. With Content at Scale, manual production of articles is no longer necessary! In just a few clicks, you can set it and forget it!
  • SEO Benefits – Using CAS, companies can effortlessly generate SEO-optimized content that gives you greater rankings in SERPs without the need for time-consuming SEO techniques.
  • No AI Detection – This revolutionary AI copywriting software produces content so authentic-sounding that it passes AI detection with ease. As of this writing, no other artificial intelligence writing program is capable of this feat.
Get Started w/Content at Scale NOW!

Content at scale offers numerous benefits, such as cost savings, improved efficiency, and increased SEO reach.

Given the advantages of content at scale, let us evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of utilizing Jasper AI for marketing purposes.

Pros and Cons of Jasper AI

Pros of Jasper AI

  • Jasper boosts the user’s writing by automatically detecting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • This AI software tool provides users with a helpful thesaurus, allowing them to quickly and easily look up synonyms for any phrases or terms they may be struggling with.
  • One of the features that are definitely a PRO is the ability to utilize CopyScape with Jasper to guarantee that your content is completely original and free of plagiarism (additional cost).
  • With Jasper’s remarkable content writing velocity, you can be sure that any blogging deadlines will no longer stand in your way.
  • Spend your valuable time wisely and get up to speed quickly with Jasper AI Bootcamp’s comprehensive library of instructional videos.
  • Bloggers, you can craft detailed and comprehensive blog posts in a matter of minutes with the long-form editor, saving time!
  • Jasper isn’t just an AI content writing tool – it will revolutionize the way you create Google or Facebook ads, as well as craft persuasive eCommerce and Amazon product descriptions.
  • Intuitive and straightforward, the user interface is simple to use with a clean design that makes navigation fast and effortless, allowing you to switch between tools and templates without leaving the page.
  • Agencies can effortlessly manage customer projects and users with ease using their tools.
  • First-class customer service combined with an AI copywriting community ready to help.
  • With the objective of reaching simplicity and excellence, Jasper is continuously being improved.
  • Experience the power of their product risk-free with a 5-day free trial and money-back guarantee.
Jaspers – FREE 5-Day Trial!

While there are plenty of Prosassociated with using Jasper AI, like any software solution out there, there are some limitations worth considering before investing in this platform.

Cons of Jasper AI

  • Jasper AI can sometimes be difficult to get exactly what output you’re looking for. Quick fix – simply provide additional feedback and suggestions.
  • The limited 5-day money-back guarantee might be seen as an inadequate amount of time to properly evaluate the AI tool.
  • Content can be detected by AI detection tools

Pros and Cons of Content at Scale

Pros of Content at Scale

  • Eliminate the cost, time, and operational obstacles associated with outsourcing content generation by leveraging the first-ever automated platform designed to scale up your content marketing.
  • CAS creates long-form content averaging close to 3000 words and will also recommend semantically related keyword phrases.
  • Content at Scale produces human-like content that passes AI detection tools. It’s the only AI writer at the time of this writing that can do this.
  • You can bulk-upload keyword phrases and mass-produce 10 or more complete blog posts in about 10 minutes if you choose.
  • Content at Scale provides an optimized meta-description as part of its output.
  • Content at Scale will integrate, with the use of their plugin, with your WordPress site, simplifying the transfer of your completed blog post from the CAS dashboard to your blog.
  • CAS has an adjustable word count using a drop-down menu that you can choose from. If you want a 1500 post, choose that. If you want a 3000+ word post, click on that one.
  • CAS is designed to create long-form content with just a few mouse clicks, creating a complete and functional blog post within minutes.
  • Content at Scale provides an on-page SEO checklist that you can work with directly within the dashboard.
  • Plagiarism Scans are part of CAS. Simply click the button and begin the scan. Any issues will be highlighted.
  • 100% money-back guarantee – If you aren’t happy with your first 5 posts (on their standard packages), let them know, and they’ll refund your money.

Cons of Content at Scale

  • Like any other artificially produced content, posts may contain errors or lack relevance to your target audience, requiring proofreading and fact-checking.
  • It’s not cheap – if you’re a new blogger just starting out, the cost could be too much for your budget.
  • Does not offer a free trial.

Content at Scale has its pros and cons; nevertheless, it can still be a beneficial investment for certain businesses.

Let’s examine the cost of these two AI writing tools starting with Jasper, to determine if it is a viable option for your enterprise.

Jasper AI Plans & Pricing – Breakdown

Jasper AI Creator Plan

For Marketers, Freelancer, and Entrepreneurs

You can try Jasper for free for 7 days to test it before purchasing.

The Creator plan is $49/month or $39/month – $468 billed yearly (Save $120).

The Creator plan includes:

  • Unlimited words per month
  • User Logins – 1 Seat
  • Writing Length – Long-Form Assistant
  • 50+ Copywriting Templates to assist you in generating persuasive product descriptions, paragraphs, advertisements, enhancing existing content, and performing other related tasks
  • Multiple AI models – Jasper’s AI Engine utilizes multiple large language models to improve output quality and ensure high uptime
  • Latest and Greatest Models – Jasper’s model incorporates the latest AI models such as GPT-4, and they are automatically updated for your use
  • Recent News & Site Sources – Jasper is equipped to write a morning news article, to include backlinks to those sources
  • Integrations – Will integrate with, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Chrome, Zapier, Grammarly, and the CopyScape plagiarism checker (paid add-on).
  • SEO Mode – Jasper uses SEO Mode to also integrate with Surfer SEO (Surfer subscription required)
  • Brand Voice – With Brand Voice, you can analyze your content’s tone using AI and create rules to teach Jasper to write in a similar style as yours, like “being helpful without being bossy”
  • Chat – Jasper Chat can help you accomplish tasks, conduct research more efficiently, and provide answers to your questions.
  • Memory – 50 Memories – Jasper can write accurate information about your business, by giving comprehensive details about your products and services, target audiences, and other specific information
  • Art – The Jasper platform now includes AI Art Generation. With this feature, you can create high-quality art and images quickly and without watermarks, using AI technology
  • Rephrase & Rewrite – With a single click, you can improve your writing by simply highlighting your content and clicking the button
  • Jasper Commands (example: “Jasper, write a paragraph on the origins of artificial intelligence”)
  • Auto-Save – History & Backup – With this built-in feature, you don’t have to manually click on “save” anymore – Jasper will automatically save your prompts and outputs
  • Support for 30+ languages
  • Project Folders – Jasper allows you to organize your projects into folders, which is great for client’s work
  • Chrome Extension – Jasper allows you to take him along with you while you work by integrating it into your Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser
  • Onboarding – Every week, you can participate in a live onboarding call with Co-Founder Chris Hull and also have the opportunity to ask questions
  • Community Support – You’ll have access to over 50,000 members who will be creating content using Jasper
  • Jasper AI Bootcamp – Take a free course to learn the best practices for using Jasper
  • Support – Email

Jasper AI Pro Plan

Small Marketing Teams – Create and repurpose for Multiple Campaigns

Jasper’s Pro Plan is $69/month or $59/month – $708 billed annually (Save $120).

Everything that comes with the Creator plan, plus:

  • Users – Includes 1 seat, add up to 5
  • Brand Voice – Up to 3 unique voice tones
  • Memory – Up to 150 memories
  • Lookback – Before generating the output, the document editor’s AI will analyze and interpret 1500 characters of context.
  • Recipes – Jasper gives you recipes that provide precise instructions to follow.
  • Dynamic Templates – With this feature, you have the ability to design your own templates, save them, and share them with others
  • User Management – By adjusting the permission settings of each individual, you can manage access, viewing, editing, and sharing of documents in your workspace.
  • Chat Support – Live chat support

The Business Plan

For Teams and Businesses

The Business plan is customizable with the following: custom words/user packages and billing options, along with the onboarding and support you need to scale your business.

Everything that comes with the Pro plan, plus:

  • Users – For teams who need 10 seats or more
  • Brand Voices – Unlimited
  • Memories – Unlimited
  • Custom Templates – The Jasper team is capable of creating customized templates and workflows that are specifically designed to fulfill your business’s distinctive needs
  • Lookback – Before writing, Jasper will read 10,000 characters of the previous context
  • API Access – You can either use Jasper’s REST API to create a custom integration or to automate manual processes
  • Account Analytics – View project information like the usage for each of your projects over time
  • SSO – Securely authenticate all user logins with single sign-on
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager – You’ll have a Customer Success Manager exclusively for your organization, who will devise an action plan for integrating AI into your workflows and deliver best practices training

Jasper will save you hours upon hours of writing. Let Jasper take on the load with its huge library of copywriting templates, so you can focus on other areas of your business.

If you’re looking for powerful AI writing software to create original blog articles and generate outlines, introductions, headlines, ads, and more, then Jasper is the way to go!

With 50+ templates at the ready, output that will put others to shame, and a support team that responds quickly, then this is, hands down, the best AI writing software available.

Take a look at their extensive and in-depth pricing chart right here!

Try Jasper’s 7-Day FREE Trial Today!

Moving on, let’s take a look at Content at Scale costs.

Content at Scale Price Breakdown

Content At Scale is an effective solution for automating content creation and optimizing the production of top-notch blog posts.

It offers several pricing plans to suit different budgets and needs, allowing businesses to scale their blogging operations.

If you want to create content that will pass AI content detection, then the Generative AI Plan is the one you want.

You can use the be able to use the AI content detector to run scans for up to 25,000 words on this plan, so it will pass the AI detection scanners.

The Generative AI Plan is $49/month or $39/month paid annually and includes:

  • 1 User Seat
  • 25k Undetectable Rewrites – Rewrite your content so it passes AI detection scans with up to 25,000 undetectable AI words every month
  • Personalized AI – adapt specifically to your style, tone of voice, and personality
  • AI Blueprints – specialized templates & prompts to help with content creation
  • Prompt Library – pre-defined prompts to trigger specific AI responses
  • AI Agents – pre-trained AI agents specialized for a certain function that a user can then prompt
  • Customized AI Agents/Blueprints – personalized AI blueprints or agents, created to your specifications
  • AIMEE Chat – Content at Scale’s own proprietary, chatbot that will communicate with you to start your content creation process
  • Unlimited AI Detection Scans – scan content to see if it passes as human, or if it was generated by artificial intelligence writing software
  • Coming Soon – Chrome browser extension which will integrate the Content at Scale

Content at Scale has 4 pricing plans for Human-Like, Content Generation:

  • The Content Production Bundle Plan is $199/month or $179/month paid annually for 4 premium blog posts/month

All high-volume plans below also include the Generative AI Plan for FREE.

See Content at Scale’s pricing page for more details – too many details to list.

  • The Starter Plan is $499/month or $399/month when paid annually for 12 premium blog posts/month
  • The Standard Plan is $999/month or $799/month when paid annually for 30 premium blog posts/month
  • The Scaling Plan is $1499/month or $1199/month when paid annually for 60 premium blog posts/month

Content at Scale offers a 100%money-back guarantee on any of the packages above.

If you use this link, you’ll get an additional 20% More blog posts that you can create each and every month – on any plan you decide to go with.

Think about this for a minute!

How much time and money can you save by simply adding a keyword phrase with a little more information within the Content at Scale dashboard, and within minutes, you have a fully completed article?

How much can you save?

  • Time – Writing the content yourself: 4-8 hours (or more) for each blog post.
  • Money – Hiring a high-quality content writer: $100-$200 per post.
GET 20% More Blog Posts – Get the DEAL NOW!


The use of automation tools to optimize content production is an invaluable asset for your blogging business.

An AI writing generator tool can provide a boost in efficiency and productivity, cutting down on wasted time and resources.

In conclusion, it’s clear that both Jasper and Content at Scale have their own unique advantages when creating content for your blogging business.

Out of all the AI tools to create content, Jasper is the #1 AI copywriting tool that allows users to generate custom content from existing articles or craft entirely new pieces based on their requirements.

Content At Scale, on the other hand, is designed specifically for bloggers looking to scale their operation quickly with a mass quantity of complete blog articles without sacrificing quality or accuracy.

While Jasper AI offers the benefits of a more tailored approach to content creation with its advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, Content at Scale provides a more efficient solution for larger-scale projects by leveraging an automated process.

Ultimately, each tool’s effectiveness depends on the specific demands of your blog or website.

Need more information about Jasper AI? Learn more about the Jasper writing assistant ← right there!

Want to learn more about Content at Scale, check out my Content at Scale Review ← right there!

Take control of your blogging business and start scaling with Jasper or Content at Scale today.

Make the most out of your blog by stepping into the future of content writing and create a money-making blogging business that will last for years!

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