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How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners in 2024 (9 Strategies Explained)

To make money blogging in a digital world has never been easier than it is today.

There are countless experts online who can show you how to start a blog and make money with it – this is both good and bad.

If you want to learn how to make money blogging in 2024, then educating yourself is the most important thing you can do.

How to Make Money Blogging - Monetize Your Blog for a Passive Income

Building a loyal following of raving fans, along with building an email list to stay in close contact with those loyal followers, should be your ultimate goal…

How do you do this? You need to have a plan!

If you want to learn How to Make Money Blogging – you’ll need to have 4 main components:

  1. A Clearly Defined Purpose and Audience – I.E. a Valuable Niche – is the crucial 1st step to making money online.
  2. Gotta have a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog – to be able to monetize it to make money. You can Start a Blog HERE in Easy-to-Follow Steps (for Beginners).
  3. You’ll Need a Proven Digital Marketing Strategy – to promote your brilliance and skyrocket your blog’s niche into the stratosphere.
  4. And, You’ll Need a Monetizing Strategy – to turn your blog into a money-making machine – which is what we are working on now.

Let’s get started!

Some of the links below are Affiliate Links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase, at No Additional Cost to You. Read my Disclosure for more information.

Table of Contents


Part 2 of 3 – How to Make Money w/Your Blog [Strategies]
  1. How to Make Money Online for Beginners in 2024 (33 Best Ways to Cash In)
  2. How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners in 2024 (9 Strategies Explained)
  3. How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing (Easy Strategies for Bloggers)

The fact is, every blogger CAN make money online from their site – it’s just a matter of putting in the hard work, having patience, and continually educating yourself.

You will want to learn from those who are already doing what you wanna do. The problem, of course, is information overload.

If you attempt to learn everything at once, search engine optimization, social media, content marketing, affiliate marketing, etc., you will spend all your time learning and no time applying the steps necessary to turn your blog into a money-making machine.

You don’t need to know every strategy or tactic to have a successful online blogging business.

Here’s what you DO need. You need a small handful of activities that work for you and your blog, then focus on those things.

If something isn’t working – be prepared to tweak or remove that activity and move on to the next one.

Keep trying something new – testing and tweaking until you find something that works for your particular online business.

NOTE: I do recommend that while reading this article, you take notes and make a list of any monetization strategies that you think would be a good fit to make money with your blog.

Having Patience and Consistency is the Key

So, why aren’t there more wealthy bloggers?

The truth – many beginner bloggers are given the impression that it’s simple, so when they aren’t successful after writing a few posts – they quit.

What they don’t realize is that it’s hard work, so they leave their blog to join the cyberspace graveyard in the sky.

But, if you have patience and persistence, you can make a healthy living from blogging.

You just have to do the work, be consistent, and never give up!

Can you do that?

Then yes, someday, you will be a six-figure earner, at the minimum.

Now… you need to understand that just because you’re monetizing your blog the money will not just automatically start flowing in.

It takes continuous hard work and experimentation… it’s a common assumption that when you start having roughly 10,000 page views per month, then it’s relatively easy to generate a decent revenue stream.

To keep from complicating your efforts – start with one monetizing strategy, then build from there.

You’ve made a lot of effort building the foundation for your blog – it’s time to create your monetizing strategy and start earning money from your blog.

Monetizing Your Blog – 5 Easy Ways to Make Money Blogging!

There are several ways to monetize your blog to bring in a passive income.

  • Affiliate Marketing – promoting affiliate products to earn an affiliate income, commission
  • Creating and Promoting Digital Products – such as ebooks, courses, webinars, membership programs, and more
  • Selling Your Services – coaching, web design, graphics design, and freelance writing, just to name a few
  • Selling Physical Products – whether you buy/resell, create your own product, or serve your customers with drop-shipping
  • Showing Ads on your blog (least lucrative)

Although, there are a few monetizing strategies that you can start right away to make money online with your blog.

One of those methods you can use is to include affiliate links within your content right from the beginning.

You may not earn anything to write home about, but at least you will get into a good habit of applying a vital piece of your monetizing strategy each time you create new content.

All you will need to do is tweak and refine until you start seeing results.

Another marketing strategy might be to offer a unique skill set that you have, like website design or coaching.

Providing a service is a quick way to monetize your blog, even if you have a small audience.

In order to offer a service, you will have to be proactive in your marketing strategy. One method would be to create a page offering your special talents.

Another less lucrative earning method would be to use Google Adsense on your site, but doing this will require a large amount of content and traffic from your blog.

The key here is to keep building your audience and then dive into this monetizing strategy.

Don’t make the assumption that you need to have thousands of readers in order to make money from your blog – that is not the case.

The secret is to make sure that your content is a fit for your target audience. This will create repeat readers – coming back for more.

This will build loyalty and trust, which in turn will create a buyer of the products or services you are offering.

When monetizing your blog – you will need to find what works for you and your audience. You might need to experiment with several options.

On the plus side – having multiple streams of income is a great idea.

If one income stream suddenly dries up, you will not lose your entire income.

Let’s dive in and cover different ways of making money with your blog.

Affiliate Marketing – Recommending Products or Services in Exchange for a Commission

Affiliate Marketing - Recommending Products or Services in Exchange for a Commission

One of the most popular methods used by beginner bloggers to make money from their blogs is affiliate marketing. It’s one of the most common ways to make money blogging.

If you are still fairly new to blogging or just starting your blog from day one, affiliate marketing is a smart method to start with.

One of the attractions of affiliate marketing is that you can simply write about a product you like and sell it to your audience.

All you need to do is create content that parallels whatever affiliate offers you plan to market and add affiliate links within your content for the product or service you are offering.

If one of your visitors clicks on your affiliate link and purchases the digital/physical product or service, you’ll receive a commission at no additional cost to the buyer.

With affiliate marketing, you promote products, services, or courses of other businesses and receive a commission for each sale you help bring in.

Affiliate marketers (you and your blog) work in a similar fashion to a salesperson. The blogger will help promote another company’s product or service and receive a commission when someone makes a purchase.

With affiliate marketing, you only need a few things:

  • A blog for your niche
  • Affiliate products to promote
  • A target audience to promote your products or services to

The first step you’ll need to take is to apply to affiliate programs for a product or service you’d like to promote.

When you sign up with a company as an affiliate, you will receive a tailor-made affiliate link that will have special characters that will uniquely identify you and your account.

Once you are approved for that program, you will use their unique URL code (link) to place within your content, so when a visitor clicks on the link and makes a purchase – YOU EARN A COMMISSION.

Below are a Few Affiliate Networks to Look Into:

  • Amazon Affiliate Marketing – the Amazon program, or Amazon Associates, is an affiliate marketing program. It’s free for bloggers to become Amazon Associates (make sure to check out the AAWP WordPress plugin)
  • Clickbank Affiliate Network – for 17 years, they’ve partnered with digital marketers like you to sell products to over 200 million customers around the globe – earn commissions as high as 75%
  • Commission Junction Affiliate Network – thrive in the world’s largest and most established affiliate marketing network designed to help you achieve intelligent, scalable, and sustainable growth
  • ShareASale Affiliate Network – a leading provider of performance marketing solutions for the past 20 years
  • eBay Partner Network – earn money by driving traffic and prompting sales across one of the world’s largest and most diverse marketplaces
  • HubSpot – partnering through HubSpot’s Affiliate Marketing Program is a simple way to generate new revenue from your content. Earn up to $1,000 in commission for each product purchased

You can also check into affiliate products that other blogs within your own blogging niche are promoting and reach out to those businesses yourself.

Many companies and successful bloggers nowadays will offer their own affiliate programs to sell their own products or services.

You can use the Google search bar to find these businesses – using the following query:

“[niche/product] affiliate program.”

Many bloggers already do this with ‘recommended resources‘, ‘income pages’, or a software, tools, or services list as part of their main blog pages.

One thing to keep in mind when it comes to monetizing your blog for making money is that you need to focus on providing value to your audience – not simply pitching affiliate products or services to make a sale. Provide value, and the money will follow.

Many online businesses nowadays have an affiliate product that you can start promoting – pretty much no matter what blog niche you’ve chosen to be in.

When you join an affiliate marketing program, it’s best to promote products and services relevant to your blog’s niche. Also, only promote products or services that you’ve personally used.

For example, if your blog is about fitness, you can easily sell weight loss, body-building, or health supplements.

Because your content is already attracting people who have an interest in fitness, selling products in this area is virtually an automated stream of income.

How to Promote Your Affiliate Links

There are many ways to promote your affiliate links – below are a few blog post ideas:

  • Write a blog post reviewing a product or service
  • Promote a product or service in a Tweet
  • Post a Facebook excerpt about the product or service
  • Write a blog post and compare 2 different products
  • Write a round-up article about 5 or more best products or services
  • Create a Pinterest pin and link it with your affiliate link

NOTE: When you post your affiliate link on any page of your blog – you must let the reader know that you will benefit from their purchase.

“If you are going to promote another company’s products or services as an affiliate, you need to be aware of the Federal Trade Commission’s paid endorsement guidelines. FTC Endorsement Guidelines require that you disclose whenever you are getting paid to promote a product or service for another company. Your disclosure must be “clear and conspicuous” and as close to the endorsement as possible.”

In addition to having a full disclosure page on your site, you need to include a disclosure on every single blog post that contains an affiliate link.

Offering Your Services – Offering Your Expertise in Just About Any Area

Offering Your Expertise as a Coach or ConsultantDo you have a special skill or knowledge that you’d like to share?

Selling your services by offering your expertise is a smart way of making money.

A few ideas for services that you can promote on your blog are:

  • Coaching Services – consulting with companies on an hourly basis or coaching individuals who could use your expertise
  • Website (blog) Design – make blog template modifications and beautify blogs for clients
  • Graphic Design – design logos for fellow bloggers or anything else involving imagery
  • Bookkeeping – many businesses and bloggers love to write but hate the upkeep of their business
  • Proofreading – many people would love to have a second (expert) opinion with contracts, blog content, etc.
  • Freelance Writing – the content marketing industry is busting at the seams – put your writing skills to work and charge a premium
  • Virtual Assistant (VA) – so many upcoming bloggers and business owners would love to outsource certain areas of their business to a VA
  • Blog Management – good with WordPress? Put your skills to work for the online business owner who doesn’t want to deal with blog maintenance
  • Social Media Management – do you have social media skills? Put yours to work for those that don’t
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – there is a big demand for getting to the top of Google and other search engines

The common theme here is to find a skill you already have and use it to make money with your blog.

If you’ve got a special skill, it can be offered as a service – it’s a quick way to monetize your blog – even if your audience is small.

You could place a “Hire Me” link at the top of your blog linking to your Services page.

Because services are performed on a one-on-one basis and usually include working with one client at a time, choosing this way to make money blogging could be more lucrative than affiliate marketing or online course sales.

It’s a numbers game, and it would ultimately be up to you to determine your worth/value.

Offering Coaching/Consulting Services

Offering Coaching/Consulting ServicesThere will be a time when your audience will have challenges in life.

As a coach, you can help people manage their challenges with advice that might bring them out of their abyss.

One-on-one coaching is a more personalized touch that can help people much more than any book or course could ever provide.

While it seems like consulting, in one way or another, is taking place on every corner of cyberspace, selling coaching services through your blog can be a very lucrative blogging business.

Whether you are a life coach, a business development coach, or even a career coach, you can earn a significant income with just a small handful of clients.

I have a friend, Ryan Yokome, whom I’ve known for 7 years now since we were in a network marketing business together. That business has since dissolved, yet he went on to bigger and better things.

He’s now a personal coach at Breakthrough Coaching for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and making a killing at it.

Consulting is pretty straightforward, you charge a fee to give feedback to clients.

To give you an example – let’s say that you blog about business improvement. You could charge $60 an hour for a one-hour Skype session where you discuss their marketing tactics and how to improve on them.

Along with your Skype call, you could send your client a bonus written report via email on how to improve their marketing strategy.

Offering Your Own Products – Writing eBooks

Offering Your Own Products - Writing eBooksOne popular way to monetize a blog is by selling eBooks. This type of digital product is so easy to create and sell these days.

For those not familiar, I am referring to the digital version of a short book in the form of a downloadable web format.

You can promote your eBook through your blog by creating content that will draw people in, then encourage them with your eBook.

You could also create a sales funnel, which is an online marketing tactic for an automated multi-step sales machine that will sell your eBook on autopilot while you sleep.

Creating something that is an ideal fit for your audience is a great way to monetize your blog, and yet your traffic doesn’t need to be significant to make sales from your digital product.

It’s a perfect marriage – with all the online tools available to you nowadays, creating an eBook is fast and easy and usually priced within the dollar range that most of your visitors would not hesitate to purchase.

One method is to start with your best blog content.

You can re-purpose some of your best work, add some more detail then use a free tool similar to Designrr, which will transform your Blog posts, Podcasts, or Videos into eBooks, PDFs, Web pages, and more.

You can write eBooks in just about any niche, whether it’s about ways of making money, blogging, cookbooks, weight loss, self-help, or photography, there is a market for just about anything.

If it proves popular, you can even go one step further and create an eBook for Amazon in their Kindle format and sell it from your blog or the millions of Amazon customers already looking for ways to improve their lives.

An eBook is also a good way to determine if there is an interest and market for you to create online courses or a membership site.

If you have knowledge that you want to share with the world, then an eBook could be one of the best ways to monetize your blog to make money online.

If you already have an existing blog with an audience, then this should give you the confidence that you have knowledge worth sharing, and maybe, just maybe, it’s time to put that knowledge to work in the form of an eBook to make money blogging.

How to Make Money Blogging Selling Digital Products

Make Money with a Blog Selling Digital ProductsAnother great way to monetize your WordPress blog is by selling digital downloadable products directly to your readers.

There are many successful bloggers selling their digital creations through their blogs and making a killing at it.

Besides selling your own eBooks, you can also sell digital products such as email templates, audio recordings, WordPress themes, and digital Private Label Rights (PLR) products!

A great platform to host all of your digital products in one place is Podia – everything you need to sell online courses, downloads, and memberships without worrying about the tech.

If you still have not gotten your blog up and running, then visit my comprehensive, step-by-step guide for beginners to learn how to start a blog and make money.

If you have skills beyond blogging and creating an eBook, don’t let them go to waste.

If you have a background or are self-taught in coding, create a WordPress plugin and sell it to your existing audience.

If you don’t know how to code yet, or have a brilliant idea for a WordPress plugin, hire a developer to bring your idea to life.

Creativity at Its Best – 2 Successful Digital Marketing Content Creators

You can sell printables like Jennifer of lifeismessyandbrilliant who sells digital planners and stickers on her blog.

Clay Collins created LeadPages through his blog, where he wrote about optimizing landing pages for bloggers.

When Clay started giving away landing page templates for free, he found out that people wanted more from them.

They wanted to customize it, integrate it with their tools, and even carry out split tests, so he created LeadPages. A blogging business that now has $38 million in funding and generates $25 million a year.

The whole concept here is that if you have a brilliant idea, run with it and be the next Clay Collins…

Sell Physical Products to Your Audience

Sell Physical Products to Your AudienceAnother method to monetize your blog, yet much more difficult to do, is selling physical products directly to your audience.

Some bloggers will go to the lengths of selling just a few items on their blog to launching a full-blown eCommerce online store alongside their blog.

This is where you can make the most of Amazon’s Affiliate Program and eBay’s Partner Program:

  • Amazon Affiliate Marketing – the Amazon program, or Amazon Associates, is an affiliate marketing program. It’s free for bloggers to become Amazon Associates (make sure to check out the AAWP WordPress plugin)
  • eBay Partner Network – earn money by driving traffic and prompting sales across one of the world’s largest and most diverse marketplaces

Other Examples Could Be:

  • Selling Books – If you’ve enjoyed writing for your blog, maybe it’s time you write a book
  • Manufactured Products – Find inspiration from other products and come up with your own physical product to sell
  • Resell Products – Love to hit the garage sales on the weekends? Turn around and sell them at a profit on sites like eBay
  • Have a Creativity Streak? – Create something your readers may want to get their hands on

There are many bloggers in cyberspace who have taken on selling physical products, which has turned into a lucrative business for them.

Sell Physical Products to Your AudienceDigital Photography School makes a killing selling Cameras and Equipment online.

There are pretty much only 2 directions to take for selling physical products from your blog.

Like Digital Photography School, many bloggers will choose to sell physical products by drop-shipping.


If you are willing to commit the long hours, deal with the inventory, be OK with loading your car, driving to the post office, rain or shine, and spend the time standing in line for shipping (or creating your own shipping labels via online from home), creating your own products to sell might be something up your alley. Oh, let’s not forget the headache of dealing with returns.

Either way, selling physical products can be a profitable venture but a difficult one if you choose the manufacturing side of things.

Need More Inspiration? Here are 15 Brilliant Physical Products You Can Sell

How to Make Money with a Blog Offering Online Courses

How to Make Money with a Blog Offering Online CoursesSelling online courses is another way to monetize your blog to make money.

Do you have a certain skill or talent for teaching others?

Does your audience look to you for advice in any particular area?

Put your skills to work and create your own course – and you’ll be well on your way to making a profitable blog that will reward you with a passive income.

Developing creative and helpful online courses that have a great amount of value in helping a person on their journey towards their goal, or solving a problem they have, is another avenue to make money blogging.

Creating an online course can be as simple as a short instructional video series.

So – How do You Come Up with a Great Online Course Idea?

To find a topic to cover for your online course, you will need to find out exactly what your visitors want.

If your blog already has an audience – identify a problem that your readers share that you can solve.

Here are a few ways you can do that:

  • Reading Blog Comments: Read comments from your own blog or others within your blog’s niche to look for patterns of a pain point that they all share.
  • Run a Survey: There are many plugins available for surveying your audience – ask your readers for feedback on issues they have.
  • Ask Your Audience Directly: You can reach out via Social Media or your email list to find out what problems they are facing.

How to Create an Online Course

Like a blog, you’ll need to create high-quality content or videos of your teaching, along with a blogging platform to host, sell, and deliver your teaching materials.

There are many course platforms out there – two popular ones that come to mind for creating online courses are:

  • Udemy – You can create an online video course and earn money by teaching people around the world. Udemy will even help you with creating your Internet-based course.
  • Teachable. Create and sell beautiful online courses. Easily build a beautiful course website, share your knowledge, and be rewarded for it. Join the 83,000+ instructors who use Teachable to share their knowledge. Easily create online courses with their powerful, yet simple all-in-one platform.

Study Your Competition

One good way to find out if you are on the right track would be to study your competition.

You can even go the length to purchase their courses to see how they do it. Be sure to check out the feedback left by their audience before choosing.

Many of the courses are fairly inexpensive to purchase – find a few courses that would be a good fit for you to teach, buy their course, and then put in the work to make yours stand out from the crowd.

For Additional Information on Creating Online Courses – Visit Neal Patel’s article – How to Create, Sell and Profit from Online Courses

Freelance Writing

One of the easiest methods to monetize your blog and make money from it is freelance writing.

With freelance writing, you can make loads of cash, but as with anything else, it is time-consuming.

There are many six-figure earners making a killing doing freelance writing for others. All done, with no more than a few thousand readers of their site.

For example, Elna Cain sells her freelance writing services through her blog:

Selling Your Freelance ServicesImage Source:

Freelancing isn’t for everyone, but it’s certainly a good option when you’re still in the process of deciding how to make money from your blog.

Think about this for a minute – you started your blog because you have some experience writing, so why not use it to your advantage?

There are many businesses to include well-established bloggers within your blog niche that could use your writing services.

According to the website, Glassdoor – the national average salary for a Freelance Writer is $52,807 in the United States. Not too bad if you love writing.

Keep in mind that the salary shown would be influenced by your level of experience and the niche you write for.

National average salary for a Freelance WriterImage Source:

Now… if you are just starting out on your new-found interest, you might not be able to charge fees to meet the salary shown above, but as you gain experience and credibility, your hourly, per word or project will go up.

A word of warning – don’t undercharge your clients for an article just because you are a newbie – your skills could be called into question.

The easiest way to get around this would be to charge your clients per project rather than an hourly rate.

One of the best reasons to consider freelancing is that you don’t need large amounts of traffic to your blog to start making money.

If you create a reputation for great blog content, you will be well on your way to making a very nice living.

Validating Freelance Writing within Your Niche

If there are businesses within your niche making money who are continually updating their site with fresh blog content – there is a need for writers.

The path to making a living as a freelance blogger is finding the right market.

A quick method to test whether you have a profitable blog niche is to find writers who are within the same blogging niche you want to write about.

An idea I grabbed from the blog on Kinsta is to do a search on the business site LinkedIn.

Go to their site and type keywords into the search bar to see the results.

For example, I typed “marketing freelance writer” within the search bar – below are the results.

LinkedIn Search for Freelance WritersImage Source:

It’s already been established that you don’t need a large amount of traffic to make money as a freelance writer, but that doesn’t mean that people will stumble onto your site and find you.

You are going to have to do the leg work and promote your service.

One easy method is to create writing samples in the form of blog posts on your own blog.

To add to your portfolio for your freelance writing services, you can also do guest blogging.

Guest blogging is a form where you create blog content for other bloggers. You can then use those guest posts and blog posts from your own site as samples when you pitch your freelance writing services.

Freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr might be good places to sell your services.

To help with your Freelance Writing Gig, be sure to check out my blog post that lists 7 ways to make money using AI writing tools, and expand your services.

These are 7 proven strategies you can start today using this AI software! Go Check Them OUT!

How to Find Guest Blogging & Freelance Writing Opportunities

One of the easiest methods to find blogs or businesses within your own blogging niche for writing guest posts is to simply type keyword phrases for whatever you’re looking for in the search engines.

Once the search engine results pages show results, scan for businesses or blogs that you’d like to freelance for, or write guest posts for then make a list and pitch them about your writing services.

Make sure not to ignore your own site, after all, you are a writer.

If you aren’t quite ready to dive in headfirst with another monetization strategy for your blog, or if you’re looking to make money blogging on the side while you are working on another project, then freelance writing may be your ticket.

Has Freelance Writing piqued your interest? Check out superstar Elna Cain’s 20 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (As a Beginner).

Be sure to sign up for her “Insanely valuable FREE 6-day course to learn freelance writing from scratch & make money from your writing!”

How to Make Money with Sponsored Posts and Reviews

How to Make Money with Sponsored PostsImage Source:

Sponsored posts and reviews can be a great way to monetize your blog, but you will need a substantial amount of traffic and credibility if you are going to sell it for a good amount of money.

With sponsored posts, you would charge a business fee to write about their product or service on your blog and give your honest opinion about it.

In turn, the business’s product/service gains exposure to your target audience, which in turn gives the company additional exposure and possibly new customers.

Businesses that pay for sponsored blog articles need to know that the article will lead to sales to make it worth their investment.

In a Nutshell – sponsored blog posts may not be the best way to monetize a blog if you are a newbie just starting out. Making money with sponsored posts is more for the established blogger.

On the other hand – if your blog is already generating good amounts of traffic, you can start reaching out to businesses within your own blog’s niche whose products and services you may already be using and offer to write a sponsored blog post or review for them.

When Alexis Schroeder of, who writes about personal finance and entrepreneurship, started generating substantial traffic, she started reaching out to companies to write for.

She charges between $750 to $1000 per sponsored post, which gives her an average of $3000 revenue per month to write reviews.

A word of warning – be careful with sponsorships. Be sure that you’re completely transparent with your audience by labeling your article as a sponsored blog post.

Google cares about the hyperlink leading back to the site paying for the sponsored link and will penalize your blog post and the site it’s linked to if your posts are passed off as organic and not sponsored posts.

When writing these sponsored articles, be sure to give your honest feedback about the business’s product/service because it is not worth losing the trust of your audience’s trust over a few dollars.

For More Information About Sponsored Posts – Visit:

Make Money Blogging Displaying Advertisements

Make a Passive Income Displaying AdvertisementsDisplaying advertisements on your blog can arguably be the easiest and quickest form of making money with your blog.

As previously mentioned in this article, you must have a good amount of content and a fairly large blog audience.


A word of warning – ads can be quite annoying to those surfing your site. Depending on how they are displayed of course.

I have seen sites riddled with advertisements popping up while I am attempting to read their blog post.

I visited the site to read their article, not be annoyed at ads popping up left and right, making the page move up and down, while I attempt to read their article.

Done with My Rant…

You will need to use your best judgment prior to placing Google Adsense or others on your site.

With everything else, there are pros and cons to consider.

Will the ads annoy your followers, as many do me, enough so that they no longer want to visit your site?

Are you making enough money to warrant possibly (I use the term loosely) pissing people off?

Don’t get me wrong, I have seen some websites with ads that are more subtle.

You can see that the ads are there, but they are not so distracting for the reason I came to the site in the first place – to read the article.

For me, these work.

It’s when the site owner gets carried away and places ads every few inches on their site, causing a distraction.

If you are a person who believes that subtlety works best, then by all means, consider placing advertisements on your blog posts and pages.

I have to admit, it is easy to get ads in front of readers with as much time as people spend online each week.

You can begin an advertising campaign on your site and begin making money right away with your blog.

The most popular for placing ads is Google Adsense. Simply sign up, place their code on your site wherever you want the ad to show, and advertisers will start popping onto your page.

Pretty simple, huh?

One thing to keep in mind is that you have zero control over what is being displayed on your site, but at least the ads should be relevant to your article.

If you want to make money blogging by leveraging display ad networks, here are my picks for the best ones to evaluate for your blog:

Some Additional Sites to Consider for Placing Ads on Your Site Are:

Mediavine – Topics for Business & Beyond
Taboola – All Topics
Carbon Ads – For Business Designer & Developer Topics

How to Make Money Blogging FAQs

What is the first step to making money from blogging?

The first step to making money from blogging is choosing a profitable niche.

It’s important to choose a topic that you’re passionate about, but also one that has a market demand.

This will help you attract a dedicated audience and increase your chances of monetizing your blog effectively.

Remember, quality over quantity matters in blogging.

What are some ways to earn income from a blog?

There are several ways to make money from a blog.

These include running ads on your site, affiliate marketing, sponsored product reviews, and selling your own products or services.

Additionally, you can earn money by running campaigns for brands.

Each method has its own potential benefits and challenges, so it’s important to choose the one(s) that best fits your blog and audience.

How can I attract traffic to my blog?

Attracting traffic to your blog is crucial for making money.

One way to do this is by sticking to a theme or niche, which can improve your blog’s SEO and attract a stronger, more dedicated audience.

It’s also important to promote your blog through social media and other channels to reach a wider audience.

Can I make money through product reviews?

Yes, many bloggers make a significant income by publishing sponsored product reviews.

In this model, companies pay bloggers to write reviews about their products or services.

This can be a great way to make money if you have a large, engaged audience that trusts your recommendations.

Can I make money from blogging even if I’m just starting out?


Even new bloggers can make money blogging.

One of the most traditional ways to do this is through on-site advertising.

As your blog grows and attracts more traffic, you can explore other income streams, such as affiliate marketing or sponsored posts.


Although it’s easier than ever to start a blog – blogging alone will not generate a passive income unless you find a monetizing strategy that will work for your blog.

Reading this article is a great first step – I recommend you start a blog monetization strategy that you think you can do to make money with your blog.

So, how will you make money with your blog this year?

There is only one wayTAKE ACTION!

Your taking action will be the determining factor whether you have a successful blog or not.

You can spend weeks or months planning, but action is the only factor that will bring in the results.

If you haven’t already launched your blog, now is the time!

If you’re ready to jump in headfirst with your Road Map to Freedom – follow the link below for my (Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners), where you too can learn how to start a blog for beginners

If you need help figuring out what you want to write about – visit my detailed article: How to Find the Perfect Blogging Niche – Crucial First Step to Make Money Online.

If you have already found your blog niche and need help with marketing – visit my article: 11 Proven Marketing Strategies to Catapult your niche.

If you are a newbie blogger, we also have helpful blogging tips to help you succeed.

But know that it will take months to go from blog launch to making money with your blog.

You will get out of it what you put into it! Know this – the effort you put in will be well worth it!

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